Page 89 of Prison Snatch
“And how are your brothers?”
Bianca shook her head, smiling. “Well, let’s see. Tyler is doing great. Still happily married. Terrance is still in San Diego. He’s divorced from Cherelle . . .”
Heaven laughed. “Oh I’m sure there’s no love lost there.”
“Exactly. I’m so glad he finally saw her for the skank she is.”
Heaven glanced over to her left and witnessed an inmate stealing a kiss from her male visitor, her hand slithering over his crotch. Across from them, a woman slid something into another inmate’s hand. Drugs, Heaven thought.
She brought her attention back to Bianca as she said her brother Terrance was still with the San Diego police force.
“Terrance was always my favorite,” Heaven said, blinking.
“Mine, too,” Bianca admitted.
“And how’s Tyrell, Lamont, and Trent doing?“
“Girl, please. Still manwhores.”
They both laughed.
Bianca shook her head. “And Thomas has, yet, another two kids.”
Heaven gasped. “Ohmygod. How many kids does this make now?”
“Eight. Seven baby mothers; just slinging dick everywhere.”
Heaven chuckled. “Mygod. Does that man know anything about birth control?”
Bianca let out a disgusted grunt. “Apparently not. He says he’s allergic to condoms.”
Heaven looked at her like she had two heads.
Bianca waved her off. “Girl, don’t shoot the messenger.”
The two shook their heads.
“You know,” Heaven said, leaning forward in her seat. “Actually, there is something I need for you to do for me, if you would.”
“Whatever you need,” Bianca assured her.
She lowered her voice. “I have money stashed in a safety deposit box. I need for you to get it, and hold on to it for me and send me about a grand each month. That should keep me comfortable in this hellhole.”
Bianca reached over and took her hand.
Heaven let out a sigh of relief. She knew she could trust her. Begging and groveling and pinching coins wouldn’t have to be her plight.
“Thank you.”
Bianca waved her on. “Girl, no problem. Of course I’ll make sure you have whatever you need.”
Heaven told her where to find the key to her safety deposit box. “Your name is listed at the bank, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”
Bianca nodded. “Say no more. It’s done.” She shifted in her seat. “Ooh, I need to use the bathroom.”
Heaven pointed toward the registration table. “They’re right there. Over on the left.”
Bianca excused herself, then walked off toward the restrooms.