Page 79 of Between the Sheets
It isn’t a question. Marika already knows what it is. Still, I know enough to make it clear. “Oh, you already know, baby.”
“Mmhmm. I thought so.” She laughs. “Ohmygod! Wait! You are not going to believe this. Guess who’s here?”
I take a seat on the sofa and prop a foot up on the wood table. “Who?”
“Ramona. And I almost didn’t recognize her. She’s dyed her hair a fuchsia color.”
I furrow my brow. “Who is that?” She tells me the Spanish chick we fucked the night of Laila’s album release party. I frown, a mixture of surprise and befuddlement on my face, followed by flashes of that night. It’s been over a month since we rocked in the sheets with her. I swallow back a rush of filthy thoughts flooding my brain. I grab at my dick. “Yo, get the fuck outta here. Word? What the fuck is she doing there? And why you calling her Ramona? I thought her name was Maribel or some shit like that.”
“Marisol,” Marika corrects. “She first said her name was Marisol. But today her nametag said Ramona. And she claims she was invited.”
“Interesting. Did she come at you crazy?”
“Surprisingly, not. She was as sweet as pie.”
“Yo, let me find out she’s stalking you, now.”
“Ohmygod. Don’t say that. It’s an isolated incident, MarSell. Let’s not blow it out of proportion. I haven’t heard from her since the flower and phone call incident. You know I told you I thought she was a little off that night we had her, but…”
“But now you think she isn’t?”
“I’m not saying that. Maybe I was a bit presumptive. After all, it isn’t like either of us has heard from her since I kindly asked her to leave us alone.”
I raise a brow. “True.” Come to think of it, she hasn’t called into the radio station either on Thursday nights.
“Besides, she seemed really surprised to see me here when she wa
lked over and gave me a big hug.”
“Mmm. I don’t know, baby. Something doesn’t sound right.”
“Although I could have done without the hug, I don’t want to turn this into more than what it is. Whatever that is. I kept it cordial. But then right after the luncheon, she turns around and sends me a friend request on Facebook.”
I shoot up in my seat. “She did what? Yo, now she’s tryna be on some ole other shit.”
“I went onto Facebook and saw it with my own eyes. I didn’t accept her, though. But I think she’s following me instead.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” I shake my head. “Yo, she’s fucking buggin’.”
“I don’t mean it like that, silly. I meant on Twitter.”
“Yeah, well, I did.”
“Well, she hasn’t said or done anything to cause alarm. Maybe it’s coincidence that she’s here.”
Yeah, right. Coincidence my ass, maybe that ho’s cat-shit crazy. “And she just happens to hit you up with a friend request, too, right? Yeah, okay.”
“Maybe. I mean, after all, my contact info was in the packets everyone received.”
“Nah, I don’t know. That shit doesn’t sit right, babe.”
“Don’t go getting all CSI on me. She seemed harmless,” Marika offers calmly. “Worst-case scenario, she asks for another round in the sheets with us, and I have to kindly shut her down, again.”
“Or her ass’s really a fuckin’ nutcase.” I let out a heavy breath. “You’re awfully calm about this, though.”
“That’s because I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. I’m taking your advice and not letting her get in my head. I’m not saying I trust her. But she did apologize for how she came at me.”
“Yo, the last thing we need in our lives is some crazy-ass broad tryna turn up. But I’m thinkin’ this chick might become a muthafuckin’ problem.”