Page 82 of Between the Sheets
Hands fisted at her side, she snaps, “I’m not crazy, puta. Don’t ever call me that again. And I’m not leaving. Not until I’m done talking.”
I blink. Okay, so she is a little off, like I initially thought. So provoking her might not be the wisest thing to do at this very moment. And the last thing I need is a scene or hotel security swarming in, like members of a SWAT team.
Stay calm. And keep this bitch calmer. I sigh. “Sweetie, I didn’t call you crazy.” Although you obviously are. “I said you were delusional.”
“Same difference,” she snaps. Her eyes grow cold. “And I’m neither. I know what I felt. And I know what I saw. You were uncomfortable seeing the chemistry between that fine, chocolate man of yours and me. You couldn’t stand seeing me handle his dick better than you. You saw how he loved being up in this sweet coño.”
I shift from one foot to the other. “That is utterly ridiculous. What happened that night between the three of us was strictly sex; nothing more. It was to fulfill a need, a want, for three consenting adults. That’s it.”
“So the two of you used me. Is that it? You preyed on me!”
“You weren’t used. And we didn’t prey on you. If anything, you preyed on us. That is why you’re standing here now, isn’t it?”
“I already told you why I’m here! Don’t play games with me.”
Oh this bitch’s elevator is definitely stuck in between floors. I shake my head, grappling with growing frustration and annoyance. “Listen, Ramona…that is your name, right?”
She gives me a dirty look. “No, puta. It’s your momma’s.”
I blink. “Let’s not turn this ugly, okay? I’m not calling you out of your name so I’d ask that you refrain from doing the same. Please.”
Neck rolling, finger jabbing the air. “Well, you called me crazy. So I’ll call you whatever I want.”
I cast my eyes around the room for a weapon in case things get messy and I have to fight this bitch and beat her to death. My gaze lands on the lamps on the end tables.
“Listen,” I say calmly. The last thing I want is a brawl ensuing. And I definitely don’t want the hotel’s security getting involved. Still, I refuse to allow her to bully or disrespect me. “I’m not going to get into this with you. Clearly, you’ve had a full night at the bar and there’s no talking rational to you.”
She waves me on dismissively. “Oh, obviously you’re the delusional one, hon, so you go right ahead and keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to sleep at night. But if you think pretending you didn’t see it, the connection, for yourself is going to change anything, you’re wrong.” She swipes a strand of hair from her face. “You were jealous that night. And rightfully so…”
My brow furrows.
Her lashes flutter.
“MarSell is a wonderful lover in bed…”
I cringe.
“And the way you fucked into my ass…” She licks her lips.
My face flushes as I stare wordlessly at her.
“I never knew taking it in the ass could feel so damn good. I’d never come so hard in my life than I did that night with the two of you. You and MarSell…” She pauses, licking her lips again, relishing in the memory. “Fucked me so good.”
I blink.
I am not even aware that I am holding my breath until I start to feel lightheaded and my lungs start to burn.
“Ramona, what is it that you really want? From me…from us?”
She tilts her head. “I want love…I want you to disappear.”
I suck in my breath.
“And I want your husband.”
I blink.
“But for now”—she undoes the sash to her coat—“I want you to tongue my pussy, then…” Her coat drops to the floor and gathers around her ankles. “Fuck me en mi culo, again.”