Page 99 of Between the Sheets
She narrows her gaze at me, placing a hand up on her curvaceous hips. Hesitantly, she agrees to talk privately. And I quickly usher her into one of the empty conference rooms, then shut the door.
I whirl around to face her. I’m livid. “Look, what is it you want from me, huh? Money?”
She laughs. “Puta, don’t insult me. Do I look like I need money? No. I don’t want your fucking money, bitch. I told you what I want. I want you to leave MarSell.”
I scoff. “What? I don’t know how many times I have to keep telling you to stay the fuck away from my husband and me. He and his dick are not available to you. So you need to go find you some other woman’s husband to stalk, because mine—and his dick—are off limits.”
She sneers. “Oh, you think you’re real slick, don’t you, bitch? But newsflash, sweetie: Your happy home isn’t so happy. And that man you’re so desperate to hold onto isn’t happy with you. He doesn’t love you. He loves me. I’m who he wants to be with.”
“Bitch,” I snarl, slamming a hand up on my hip. “You’re fucking delusional. MarSell doesn’t love you. And he damn sure doesn’t want some crazy bitch like you.”
She laughs again. “Then you’re the dumb one, hon. How many late nights do you think we’ve spent on the phone talking, sexting, FaceTiming, while you’re asleep, right after he’s fucked you to sleep, huh? How many early morning email exchanges do you think we’ve shared behind your pathetic back?”
I blink.
She covers her mouth. “Oops. I guess he didn’t mention that, huh? I guess he’s keeping secrets from you, after all. Just like I bet he didn’t reveal being with me last week.”
I frown. “You’re fucking lying.”
“Oh really? Am I? Ask him where he was last Friday at two o’clock.”
My mind quickly searches through my mental Rolodex.
“I have a two o’clock meeting.”
My stomach lurches. My heart pounds in my ears.
“Oh, don’t bother asking him. You know how men are. They have selective memory and they leave out all the important details. So I’ll tell you. He was having a late lunch.” She lewdly pats her crotch. “Between my thighs.” She smirks, then licks her lips. “Ooh, his tongue is sooo addictive. I can see why you don’t want to let him go.”
This bitch is trying to bait me. But I’m not falling for it.
Yeah, right. Meeting my ass! What if he was with her ass Friday?
“I know you saw it in his eyes that night I was riding his big, long dick. It killed you, didn’t it, puta? Seeing me give it to him so good. It tore you up watching the man you love fall for another woman, didn’t it? Él está enamorado de este coño.” He’s in love with this pussy.
Flashes of that night shoot through my head. Yes, Marcel was more passionate with her than he’s been with other women we’ve brought into our beds, then again…those other women were women we’d met in different countries, or private parties. None of them were some obsessed woman who’d sent him nude selfies, or constantly called into his radio show.
She finally pushes me over the edge when she rubs her belly and says, “I’m pregnant with his bab
“Bitch, you’re delusional.”
“Oh really? You think? Then riddle me this: Why did he give me”—she digs in her purse, yanking out a folded piece of paper—“this, huh?” She slings the paper at me.
I kneel and pick it up, opening it. My insides drop. It’s a personal check for fifty thousand dollars written out to her from Marcel.
What the hell is going on here?
“It’s hush money. He wants me to have an abortion, then disappear. But I don’t want his money. I want him. And I’m keeping his baby.”
“You lying, conniving bitch!” I lunge for her, slapping her face. My nails graze her face.
She touches the side of her face, then looks at the blood on her fingertips. Her eyes darken, making her look possessed. She clenches her teeth. “Oh, you just fucked up, bitch. You are going to regret ever putting your motherfucking hands on me. I’m going to turn your whole. Fucking. World. Upside down.”
I lunge for her again, but she slips from my grasp, swings open the conference door and makes an erratic dash out of the conference room. I give chase after her not caring who’s around, but she surges past the security desk.
“Bitch, I’m going to start letting everyone know que me cogió en el culo!”