Page 9 of Need Me (Unveiled 3)
Thirty minutes later Marcia strode to the front door of Cale’s second-floor walk-up, condoms in her purse and seductive smile in place. Tony had said to pick him up here because he’d dropped his car off for maintenance. When the door swung open after her knock and she was confronted with Cale’s sweat-stained T-shirt and his drop-dead gorgeous smile, maintenance sounded excellent to her too.
A lube job in particular. And she’d even brought her own supplies.
“Hey, Blondie. You selling cookies?”
“Nope, only cookie I have is mine. And it’s not for sale.”
With a wink, she patted his damp chest and sidled past him just in time to see her lover, sans shirt, haul a huge piece of plywood over his head and lean it against the wall. Muscles rippled up and down his back and flexed in his tight shoulders. She’d spent many nights recently with her head on one of those shoulders, listening to the sound of the rain and Tony’s deep voice as he told her about his day. He tended to be a talker, though when it came to sex he usually didn’t get too verbal. He was more about action than words in that case.
Cale was a whole different story. If the twinkle in his light-blue eyes indicated anything, she’d bet he could make a porn star blush.
“How about available for loan?” Cale murmured as he came up behind her. He kept going toward Tony, hefting his own huge slab of plywood with an easy strength that made her thighs quiver.
It took her a minute to get what he was referring to. Oh right. Her cookie. Available for loan. Hmm. Partner swapping. That was something else she should probably mention in her book. Though Cale didn’t have a current girlfriend to share with Tony, which was a damn good thing. She wanted both men to herself.
Greedy bitch.
She smiled and waved her clutch purse as Tony flashed her a grin. “Hey there, sexy,” she said in her cheeriest, of course I’m not horny voice.
He strolled over to her and enfolded her in a bear hug, burying his nose in the curve between her neck and shoulder. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” She tugged on his hair, well aware Cale’s gaze lingered on them from across the room. What was he thinking? “You look pretty beautiful too,” she said, lowering her voice so only Tony could hear.
“Yeah. All sweaty and dirty.” His grin broadened as she reached up to wipe away the smear of dust on his cheek. “Think I should change before we hit the club. We’ll have to head home first.”
“Works for me.” She kissed his clean cheek. “Thanks. I know you’re not really into going.”
“I was thinking I’d bring reinforcements.”
“What do you mean?”
He eased back and gripped her upper arms with his wide hands. He held her tighter than usual, his fingers digging into her skin. “How do you feel about Cale coming with us?”
Chapter Three
Marcia’s breathing sped up in time with her heartbeat. Again her gaze sought Cale’s. He’d continued to gather their tools and straighten up, but he didn’t bother with the pretense of actually seeming occupied. His attention was squarely on them.
Now she knew why.
“He’s into it?” she asked, feeling stupid. Of course he was. If her opinion of Cale’s bedroom practices held any water, she had a feeling anything went with him. Anything, anywhere, maybe with anyone. She stared hard at Tony. “And how into it is he?”
Maybe he wasn’t just into her. Could he be into his best friend as well? If so, how exactly did she feel about that?
“You look nervous. You’re never nervous.”
She narrowed her eyes at her lover. “Of course I’m not nervous. Does he like voyeurism?”
“Guess we’ll find out, huh?” Tony slung an arm around her shoulders and turned to address Cale too. “Reassure Marcia you’ve never been to Kink either, would you? She’s freaking that you’re some kind of old pro.”
“I am not freaking,” Marcia muttered. Maybe she was. Just a little.
“Never been there, Blondie.” He held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”
“As if you were a Scout.” She rolled her eyes as Tony’s hand crept toward her breast. Normally he wasn’t touchy-feely in front of people but maybe he was trying to get things started early. “As if either of you were Scouts,” she added.
“Never heard you complain about that before.” Again his fingers brushed her breast, except this time they went straight for her puckered nipple. Cale’s gaze locked on the movements of Tony’s hand, causing a renewed surge of moisture between her thighs.
“Guess you like what I’m wearing,” she said to Tony, watching his fingers as they toyed with the vee of her dress. Knowing Cale was watching too made her stand just a little straighter, thrust her chest out just a bit more.