Page 3 of Dirty Distractions
No. Absolutely not. Heat radiated through thin cotton, an undeniable temptation. If anything, he grew even harder.
“Take a breath,” he advised, his lopsided grin again overtaking his face. “For such a woman of the world, a man’s hard cock shouldn’t be all that big of a deal.”
“It is when my hand’s on it. Where the hell is your sister?” She tried to tug back, weakly, but his grip held fast. She really didn’t tug that much. Her palm didn’t mind its current location at all.
“Why? Scared?”
“Hardly. Let go.”
He did at once, shrugging. “You asked a question. I always preferred show to tell.”
Sara let her hand drop in her lap and willed it to stop tingling. “I’m going to call Kim,” she said, already pressing the speed dial button with the thumb of the hand that still clutched her phone.
“Gonna tell on me?”
In spite of herself, she laughed. “No.”
“Because you didn’t mind?”
The hopeful note in his voice made her laugh again, more softly. He was a difficult guy not to like. Really like. “She’s your sister.”
“No way. I was hoping that producer from Maury Povich was wrong.” His smirk jolted through her, reigniting the flare of arousal she’d tried to suppress.
“Funny guy.”
“Sexy girl.” He walked his fingertips up the inside of her thigh, not straying too far from her knee. His gaze probed hers. “I’m good at other things besides making people laugh. If you’re ever up for finding that out firsthand, you know where to find me.”
Then he got up and strolled away, going around the back of the house toward the driveway. A minute later she heard his truck’s engine rev.
Almost as much as she was revving.
Kim’s voice sounded on the phone, reminding Sara she’d dialed her number. Voicemail. She hung up in a hurry and stared at her cell, her chest heaving with the effort to keep from panting.
She wanted to find out. She really did. That had to be wrong. She was the gatekeeper of—
What? Brad’s honor? What a joke. He might not be thirty yet but he was clearly no boy. He knew his own mind. And his body.
Hell if she didn’t want to get to know them too.
In a way, this was Kim’s fault. She’d been the one to encourage Sara to pursue life and sex full tilt. A couple of years ago she’d been so fixated on her perfectly normal life with Pete it had never occurred to her to reach for more. A few pleasant orgasms got the job done, so why look for nirvana? It was too much effort. Too dangerous.
Big payoffs meant big risks. Potentially jeopardizing what she had with her best friend over some nookie would be stupid. Kim didn’t want to get tied down, but she fell in lust eagerly and often. She was also a hopeless romantic.
If Sara told Kim she was into Brad, she’d either start planning a year of double dates or she’d freak out. Either option made Sara want to forget the whole thing.
“I could ask her,” she muttered.
Would you mind if I fucked your brother? It wouldn’t take more than an hour. Then all three of us could forget it.
Sara snorted as Kim jogged into the backyard, her frizzy brown hair caught back in a clip. She carried two paper sacks of groceries and wore a bright grin.
Must be a family trait.
“Hey. Where’s stupid?”
“I’m assuming you’re referring to your brother.” The man whose cock I just had my hand on…
Sara shifted uncomfortably on the chaise and pressed her knees together as if she could make the liquid between her thighs evaporate.