Page 6 of Nurse to Forever Mom
“Maggie, this is Stacey Ryder, Cody’s clinical nurse for the next few weeks.”
Maggie extended her hand. “Maggie Green, one of the physiotherapists around here. I specialize in hydro and equine therapy. Glad to have you. I hope you enjoy your stay.” She turned to Alex. “I hate to drag you away but I need to talk to you about one of the twins for a sec.”
Alex shrugged. “Duty calls. Good to have you, Stacey. Don’t let Cody overwork you while you’re here.” He followed Maggie down the hall toward the hydro area.
Stacey looked at Cody “She seems like fun.”
“That’s not what Alex thought for a while. Now he’d agree with you.”
They continued down the hall.
Uncharacteristic curiosity had gotten the better of her and Stacey had researched the founding of the clinic. After meeting a few people, she’d already figured out the internet didn’t tell the entire story of Maple Island Clinic. Doing the research in person with one of the founders, especially a particularly handsome one, was an invitation to get personal. Taking a breath for courage, Stacey asked, “So how did you and Alex decide you wanted to start this facility? By your accents you don’t come from the same part of the country.”
He looked at her for a moment as if he was deciding whether or not to answer. “We don’t. We met at a conference. Single guys with childcare issues in common. Next thing I knew we were coming up with this clinic idea.” He turned the corner and started down another hall. “I’m originally from California.”
“That makes sense. One coast for another.” That seemed a pretty dramatic move for a specialty surgeon of Brennan’s caliber. Was there more to it than a chance meeting at a conference? Had something else pushed him into the move? She shouldn’t pry further yet she couldn’t stop herself. “Was that a hard sell to your family?”
“No. The girls were so small they were good with it.”
“Your wife?” Stacey winced silently. She had already asked too many questions.
“She was already out of the picture.” His words were flat and final.
Stacey let go a private sigh of relief. He’d closed the door on that subject, slammed it shut.
They walked back to his office in silence. There he said, “I’ll see you in surgery at six in the morning.” Then he literally closed the door in her face.
So much for Mr. Charming.
TWO DAYS LATER Cody picked up the girls from dance practice. It wasn’t his favorite night of the week because it was always so busy. To make it less stressful he usually took them out to dinner. Tonight they were going to Brady’s Bistro and Bakery for pizza. They all loved the thin slices and best of all he didn’t have to cook.
As often as possible he tried to give the girls nutritious meals. He was trying to make up for the time when they hadn’t had them. By the end of his marriage, Rachael hadn’t cared enough to prepare meals. Every cent she’d been able to get her hands on had gone toward her next fix.
Cody had promised himself that his girls would have home-cooked, locally grown, wholesome food as much as possible. For the most part he’d managed to achieve that. Still, it was nice to get out of the kitchen and concentrate on having more quality time with his kids.
He held the door to the bistro open. The place was full, noisy with the sounds of talking, laughter and dishes rattling. He looked around the space with its red chrome tabletops and yellow chairs covered in plastic. The black and white tile floors added to the fifties vibe.
With a moan and a hunger pang, he resigned himself to the fact they would have to wait. He scanned the dining area with irritation. It wouldn’t be a short wait. Stepping to the left a pace, he searched again. There was a booth with some empty seats. Looking closer, he saw Stacey sitting in one corner of it.
The thought that it wasn’t a good idea to join her was interrupted by Jean’s plaintive announcement, “I’m hungry.”
Cody drew a fortifying breath for reasons he couldn’t put a finger on. They had worked well together over the last few days. Stacey had a great rapport with the patients, could anticipate many of the things he needed done, and she took direction without complaint. Most of all she was friendly and always wore a smile. So why did he have an issue with her? Could it be he found her attractive and that made him uncomfortable? Even if that was the cause of his hesitation, he had an immediate problem to solve that overrode his feelings.
“This way, girls.” He weaved between the tables, glancing back to make sure they were following.
When he reached Stacey’s table she looked up in surprise. “Dr. Brennan.”