Page 17 of Savior
I almost explained to her about how I’d found her—about how I rescued victims of sex trafficking and would never hurt a woman, but I didn’t. Maybe because I wasn’t ready for more questions. Or maybe I didn’t want her to assume I brought them all back here with me like it was a scheme.
She felt different and I didn’t even know how to explain it to myself, let alone her.
“Okay,” she finally said.
“Good. Go get changed and we’ll head out.”
We walked into the building, her heels ringing like gunshots through the marble lobby. I’d had slacks and a blouse for her, but no shoes, which left her in her sky-high stilettos from last night. She fidgeted next to me in the elevator and I struggled not to reach out and lay my hand over hers.
The elevator doors opened, saving me from the urge. I bolted, expecting her to follow me around the corner to my company’s main lobby and Laura’s desk.
“Good morning, Mr. Brandt.”
“Good morning, Laura.” It was a natural move to rest my hand on Alexandra’s back as I introduced her. She stiffened, but I didn’t pull away. “Alexandra, this is my secretary, Laura Combs.”
“Nice to meet you, Ms. Combs.”
She stepped away from my touch, reaching to shake Laura’s hand, a smile spreading across her face.
White noise flooded my hearing and everything stopped. I’d seen her pissed and scared and upset, but I’d never seen her smile. She was a beautiful young woman, there was no denying it. But Jesus, when she smiled, she was exceptional. The faintest dimples appeared just under the well-defined apples of her cheeks.
But it was her eyes that had me frozen. They sparked to life for the first time since I’d met her and the urge to make that spark happen again and again thrummed through me.
“I wish you stared at me like that when you saw me,” a deep voice called from my right.
Alexandra jerked her eyes to the newcomer who’d called me out for staring at her. I quickly looked away, doing my best to keep my face neutral. Not that it would matter. My business partner and best friend, Ian, could read me like a book. But a man had to try.
Ignoring his comment, I said, “Well look what the cat dragged in.” He came over and we did the brotherly back pat. “How was New York?”
“Good. Uneventful. Meetings went fine. Which I’ll tell you about later.” He smirked and cocked a dark brow. A mischievous look I knew so well, glinted behind his gray eyes. “But first, tell me about this beautiful woman. I’m gone less than a week and we’re hiring supermodels.”
I rolled my eyes. Ian was laying it on thick. “This is our new intern we’re trying out.”
“I thought we filled that slot. And don’t they usually work downstairs with Hanna?” The smirk didn’t leave his face. He’d already seen me entranced with her and I just needed to buckle down and endure as he had his fun at my expense.
“I’m opening another one. And she’ll learn what she needs on this floor with Laura.”
“Is she even 18?” he asked, looking her up and down.
“Yes,” I practically growled.
“Interesting.” He dragged the word out and a moment of silence fell between all of us as we waited for Ian’s next move. But apparently, he was done torturing me. He gave a real smile and turned to Alexandra. “Well, welcome to Bergamo and Brandt.”
She shook his hand but pulled back quickly and I wanted to throw my arms up in victory. Ian was a playboy. We each had our exploits, but he had the outgoing personality that drew women in.
“Hey, Ian. Welcome back,” Jared called from his office door.
I held my breath wondering what he would say when he realized the girl we found was now standing in the office to work.
“Hey, Erik. I wanted to touch base with you about the case before you get…” Jared trailed off as he came out of his office and saw Alexandra. She shrunk back a little at his staring, but he collected himself quickly and focused his attention back on me. “Before you get to work,” he finished.
“Yeah, let me just leave Alexandra with Laura. By the way, Alexandra, this is Jared. He’s an analyst here.”
“Nice to meet you,” she said softly, only giving a wave.
“She’ll be working with Laura today.” I turned my attention to Laura. “Would you mind showing her around and explaining what we do? She can help you with office tasks and whatever else you need.” Walking to my office, I jerked my head for Jared to follow. “Let me know if you need anything,” I said before closing the door.
I’d just sat on my couch when the door flew open again and Ian strolled in.
“Before you girls get to chatting, I wanted to remind you about London next week.”