Page 11 of Voyeur
Shadows hid his face, but I could see his long fingers gripping the glass before him. I imagined those fingers gripping his cock, stroking it as he watched. I pushed the napkins off to the side and began to round the bar, wanting a better look at him. Maybe if I would check to see if he needed something, flirt a little. Maybe I could entice him into watching me. I rarely saw the faces of anyone who watched me, and it didn’t bother me. It made it easier to detach. But something about this man made me need to see his face. Each step closer caused a flutter in my stomach. The possibilities were making me more excited than I’d been since I started.
When I was just five bar stools away, a body blocked my progress.
“Oaklyn.” The way Jackson said my name, matched with his smile led me to believe he wasn’t about to ask me for the time.
“Yes, Jackson?”
He dragged a hand through his hair. “So, I was requested for a couple’s session, and they specifically mentioned you.”
My heart thumped in my chest. This was it. This was my opportunity to try something out with Jackson. I looked down at my watch and saw that I hadn’t been notified of a request.
“But why didn’t they fill out my form too?”
His smooth smile slipped a little. “Yeah. About that. You, uh, didn’t have the things requested on your availability, so mine was filled out since I’m listed as your partner.”
“What was the request?” I’d opened a partner option up but limited it to kissing and some heavy petting.
“It’s just sex.” When my eyes bugged, he held his hands up trying to stop my panic. “Before you freak out, the note says they’ll pay double the regular cost of the performance.”
My jaw snapped shut and I let those numbers roll through my mind. Just that one performance, at double the price, would cover almost all of my supplies for the semester. Just the thought of having sex with Jackson, who I barely knew, in front of someone made me lightheaded. I knew eventually, I’d make my way to it, but I figured I’d have time to work up to sex.
My skin seemed to be alive with fire the way it heated at the idea, but my heart seemed to be pumping too fast. I didn’t know if it was because of excitement or fear.
“Look, I wouldn’t ask if the money wasn’t so great. Also, it’s been requested as lovemaking, so that usually entails below the covers. Kind of like all the times you’ve been getting off hidden by your underwear. I don’t have to penetrate. I can pull your thigh over mine and hide it.”
“Were there—” I had to clear my throat past the ball of nerves. “Were there any other requests?” I asked staring at this throat, watching his Adam’s apple bob.
“Um, just some oral. For you. I give you oral sex, but I can pretend to do that too,” he rushed to assure me.
The possibilities swirled in my mind, and I calculated the amount of solo performances I’d have to do to make the same amount of money. In the end, agreeing to this was the smart decision to make.
It wasn’t even real sex. I just had to be naked in front of Jackson and, honestly, that didn’t bother me. I wasn’t even sure what did bother me.
That I’d like it, a voice rang out in the back of my head.
Squeezing my eyes closed, I nodded in agreement before I could change my mind. “Yeah. Sure, Jackson. Just let me know when.”
“Now?” I didn’t know why I was shocked like the time made a difference in what was going to happen. I just figured I’d have more time to mentally prepare. Then again, maybe just letting it happen and not mentally preparing was better. Jackson looked like he was holding his breath, and I shook off my nerves and put him out of his misery. “Okay. Now is fine. Okay.”
Two strong arms banded around me and lifted me off my feet. “God. Thank you, Oak. I promise it will be the best pretend sex of your life.”
Once my feet hit the ground again, I gave him my hardest stare. “It better be.”
He laughed and grabbed my hand, leading me toward the back hallway, to hopefully the best pretend sex I’d ever have.
We broke apart to go freshen up before we entered the room, letting the voyeur get settled. Once the light had been switched to green we’d decided to enter making out, like we were a couple coming in from a late night.
“Ready?” Jackson asked once we stood outside the door.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Remember, it’s just a performance. Not real. Try not to fall in love with me.” He finished with a wink.