Page 41 of Come Back for You
“I’m scared, too. But no risk is worth taking if it isn’t scary. Now, how about we get you home?”
Steering us towards the house, I glance at my girl asleep in the passenger seat. The closest hospital is a few towns over, which made the drive home about an hour long. She was out before we hit the highway, likely exhausted from the activity over the last few days. I pull the truck to a stop in front of the house, putting it in park, but I don’t make a move to get out. This isn’t how I expected to spend our first Christmas together.
My mind runs over the last twenty-four hours, tripping over the thought of how I almost lost her because I was so selfish. I texted Jensen for an update on Kolby and he said that during interrogation he confessed to everything
. We won’t know his charges until later this week when they officially file against him. Apparently, me proposing to Whitley caused some sort of psychotic break in the guy, which led to his crush turning into an infatuation and him waiting for the right moment to strike. Coming across her on her walk home was pure luck and he took the opportunity. He was busy that night, because he saw Indigo walking home and took that opportunity as well. She fought like hell, though. The doctors scraped out skin from under her fingernails, all Kolby’s.
I scrub my hands over my face and quietly climb out of the truck, rounding to the passenger side and opening the door.
“Baby,” I whisper, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Wake up.”
Her eyes flutter open and she looks around before letting me help her down from the truck. I help her inside, ushering her into the house.
“Surprise!” Whitley startles at the group in front of us. I rounded all our friends and family up, so everyone is here. There’s a sign hanging that says ‘congratulations’ along with a sign that says ‘it’s a boy’ but the word boy has been scribbled out and the word baby written in. Jesus Christ.
Whitley coughs out a laugh and bursts into tears as her mama pulls her in for a hug. I glare at Zander who obviously couldn’t keep a secret.
“What, man? You’re pregnant. Everyone needs to know.” I punch him in the shoulder.
“Is this your work, too?” I ask, motioning at the sign. He grins, nodding his head.
“Absolutely. It’s all I could find on such short notice, so I had to work with what I had.”
Whitley makes her way around the group, giving everyone hugs before eventually landing back with me. I pull her into me, dropping a kiss on top of her head.
“If it’s too much just say the word, I’ll kick all of ‘em out,” I murmur, rubbing her back. She squeezes me around the waist and rests her head against my chest.
“It’s not too much. It’s perfect.”
I go about starting a fire in the fireplace while Whitley rests on the couch, talking to Lex and Avery. Since we weren’t able to have Christmas eve with all of our family, I figured the next best thing was Christmas day. Whitley’s mama and mine have been in the kitchen cooking up a storm and Lex and Ford went about getting the word out for me to everyone else. Our house is packed full of all the people we love and even though I know she’s exhausted, I think it’s just what Whitley needs. I drop a kiss on the top of her head as I head to the kitchen to check on the moms before meandering out onto the back patio where all the guys have gathered.
“How is she?” Jaxson asks, nodding his head towards the house.
“She’s okay,” I say, scrubbing a hand over my face, the adrenaline from the last twenty-four hours starting to catch up to me. I drop down into the chair across from Jensen.
“How are you?” Ford asks, raising an eyebrow in question, referring to the whole ‘we’re having a baby’ thing.
“Scared, excited, and overwhelmed,” I answered honestly. Scared out of my mind to be having another baby but excited all the same. “Apparently, no vasectomy is one hundred percent.”
“How does Whitley feel about having a baby?” That question comes from Jensen.
“She’s always wanted a huge gaggle of kids, so she’s thrilled. I think she’s worried I’ll bail, though.” Jensen narrows his eyes at me, and I hold my hands up. “I won’t. She’s just gun-shy.”
The patio door slides open and my girl makes her way out onto the patio, immediately coming to me and settling herself in my lap. I tuck her into me, relishing the fact that she’s home safe and sound. The guys make themselves scarce and head back inside.
“The doctor called. We have our first baby appointment tomorrow at two.” She says quietly, still not looking at me. I use my finger to tilt her chin up and meet her eyes with mine. Hers are filled with unshed tears. I furrow my brows.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m just afraid this is all too much for you,” she whispers, tears slipping out of her beautiful green eyes. I knife up from the chair, turning her so she’s straddling me and settling my hands on her hips.
“Sugar listen to me. If the last day has taught me anything, it’s that I would die if I lost you. I was out of my mind, not knowin’ where you were, if you were safe. Losing you would have destroyed me. And I can say, with absolute certainty, that I am thrilled to be having a baby with you.” She sniffles and a small smile plays on her lips.
“Are you sure?” She asks.
“Positive,” I respond without hesitation, pulling her close and wrapping my arms around her in a hug. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and settles her face in the crook of my neck. I still can’t believe I almost missed out on this incredible life with her. We may only be just getting started, but I know without a doubt that this woman was made for me and I can’t wait to spend every day of the rest of my life letting her know how lucky I am.