Page 119 of Into the Light
“Charlotte, I…don’t know what to say to that.”
“You do, but you don’t have to say it.”
“You miss him?” I could hear the trepidation in his voice, like a little lost boy finding his way home.
“I don’t need to miss him; I’ve been staring right at him for the past two years.”
It was hard to explain what I saw, almost like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He found himself again, he found his true identity.
“Thank you, baby, I love it and I love you.” He stood up and walked back over to me, leaning in to kiss my lips.
“You want your present now?” he asked enthusiastically.
I nodded. He pulled a long black velvet box out of his pocket. Lex had a massive thing for jewelry so I wasn’t surprised that he spoiled me again. I carefully open the box, but much to my shock, I found a pregnancy stick sitting inside.
“What’s this?” I asked, barely able to get my words out.
“You’re pregnant.”
The words didn’t register…I’m what?
“Read my lips, Charlotte, you’re pregnant.”
I was gob smacked; the test was new so I hadn’t actually done one. How on earth would he think I was pregnant?!
“I know you so well, Charlotte. I’ve studied every inch of your body over the years. The slightest change and I can see it. You’re pregnant, I promise you with all of me that you are carrying another baby inside of you.”
Without a word I pulled him to our nearest bathroom and closed the door behind us. I wasn’t late; at least I didn’t think I was. I wasn’t nauseous…nothing at all had changed.
I peed on the stick as he watched me with an amused look on his face. I carefully placed it on the counter top and waited.
“Are you sure about this?” I asked, nervous.
“Never been so sure about anything in my life.”
It was time; I walked over with nerves of steel and opened my eyes, the two blue lines staring me in the face.
“HOLY SHIT I’M PREGNANT!” I jumped into his arms as he swung me around. “This is the best Christmas present ever!” With the biggest grin on his face, he kissed me deeply, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Can we tell everyone tonight please?” he begged.
I nodded. That’s what family was for, to celebrate the good times and hold your hand at the worst. Sometimes it’s the family we are born into and sometimes it’s the family we make for ourselves. I was lucky enough to have both, and thanked the lord every day that I was blessed with such a gift.
We made our way back outside where everyone stood around the tree. Before we made the announcement, Lex wanted to show off his outside Christmas decorations. He had become Clark Griswold with an unhealthy obsession of having the best lights on the street. Everyone made their way outside as we stood on the lawn, Lex flicking the switch.
The whole house illuminated as everyone gushed, like watching fireworks on the 4th of July.
It was breathtaking.
There’s something about Christmas lights that brings out the inner child in each of us. The lights were shining so bright, the warmth rushing over me, the spirit alive as we all admired the work that Lex had done. I turned to look at Lex who was carrying Amelia in one arm and Andy in the other. Both of them wide awake, enjoying the spectacle and babbling in baby talk as they pointed to the moving reindeers that Lex installed on our roof.
He turned to look my way and mouthed the words ‘I love you’. I mouthed the words back, then rested my head against his arm. Amelia tugged on my sleeve. “Momma looky,” she babbled, turning my face to look at the lights. Adriana came up beside me and held onto me tight. Her smile was gracious as she focused on the house, then moved her eyes to the stars above.
I don’t know how I spotted it, but there on the ground in front of me lay a white feather. I reached down and picked it up and handed it to Adriana. She leaned across to Andy and handed it to him.
“See Andy, I told you Daddy was here.”
There are angels all around us. Sometimes we can see them and other times we can’t. If you look carefully, all around us there are clues. There are some that are placed on this earth as a gift from God and there are some that are around to protect us from harm and evil.