Page 50 of Into the Light
“What do you mean?”
“With us?”
“I don’t know Charlotte. Tell me what you want.”
“We’re married, I want us to live together.”
“In my apartment?”
“No deal. Well, temporarily, but we need something bigger.”
“But you live in London.”
“Charlotte.” She turned around to face me. “I can do whatever I want... I own that company. If I need to be in New York then I will be in New York. You and I... this is it, baby. No turning back.”
“No turning back,” she whispered in response.
“And Lex?” she asked again softly “You’re still poking me.”
“Then we need to find a way to stop that happening.”
I lowered my head to meet hers and kissed her lips, her tongue rolled against mine, soft, but the intensity was there. There was no denying I needed her, and I tried so much to give her the rest she needed but it was fucking impossible. My mind screaming at me telling me to stop and let her sleep but I needed her... so much. I wanted her to see how much I loved her. How much I never stopped loving her. Our kisses sped up and she moaned into my mouth, no denying she felt the same way. I moved away towards her neck, blowing kisses on her warm skin, her head falling deeper into the pillows as she struggled to compose herself. Making my way down, slowly kissing every spot on her chest, leaving her to beg me to go lower, and I did... taking my time. I wanted to savor this moment; I’ve been waiting to be inside her for as long as I can remember. As I teased her nipples with my tongue she squirmed underneath my body, biting into my shoulder. I was careful not to lie directly on top of her, reminding myself there was someone to think about. Oh shit, that slightly distracted me but as if she knew, she pulled my head up to hers and her eyes met mine.
I knew exactly what she wanted in this moment.
Never breaking her gaze, I gently slid my cock inside her, her eyes screaming out to me with pleasure and no doubt she could feel the same from me. The way I slid in slowly, my cock felt every curve, guiding its way through and finding the place it called home, then I remained perfectly still, allowing her to catch her breath.
“Necesito que te pierdes en mí, tengo que sentir lo mucho que me quieres. Muéstrame lo mucho que me quieres, sólo a mí.”
Her voice was barely a whisper, but the way she spoke to me, the way the Spanish rolled off her tongue. It was our intimate way of communicating, just like old times, and she had read my mind. So for tonight we did what both of us craved, what the both of us needed from each other. We made love till the sun rose in the morning, and it was in the light of the new day, we fell asleep in each other’s arms, ready for new beginnings…
*Necesito que te pierdes en mí, tengo que sentir lo mucho que me quieres. Muéstrame lo mucho que me quieres, sólo a mí. – I need you to lose yourself in me, I need to feel how much you love me. Show me how much you love me, only me.
Chapter 15
This is the thing about change - I don’t like it. Contrary to what people might think, I am happy never having to think about changing jobs, apartments or friends. The only change I do welcome, however, is my wardrobe, but even then I’ve been known to hoard certain pieces, something my Mother says has been inherited from her side.
Waking up on Sunday morning, the day after Adriana’s wedding, I knew it was all changing, and that sinking feeling stuck with me; I just couldn’t shake it. If I was being honest with myself it was the whole Charlie/Lex hook up thing. Don’t get me wrong, from day one I knew they were meant to bang each other relentlessly. I mean some people are, like, born to be each other’s bangmates, and I hadn’t done anything to stop it. I mean, if anything I encouraged it. Getting Charlie to After Dark that night, sending the cleaner in to interrupt them, you always want what you can’t have right? So I sent that cleaner in, made sure they didn’t fuck all the way and bam of course you could see her desperation in the days that followed. At the time it was all fun and games, but now I was losing my best friend, and it hurt like fucking hell.
“Eric, we’re checking out in thirty minutes, shall we interrupt the love birds?” Adriana winked as she opened the mini bar to suss out whether or not I went on a late night binge.
“Um, isn’t that kind of awkward? What if they’re in the middle of, you know... some wham bam thank you ma’am?”
“That’s why you go in first. I can’t experience any family scarring on the first morning as Mrs. Evans. Better yet, send Kate. I’m sure she’s seen Lex in far worse situations.”
“You’re such a loving sister, Adriana.” I smirked.
“Well, duh,” she answered, rolling her eyes.
Fifteen minutes later the four of us stood in Lex’s and Charlie’s room.
“Seriously, get the fuck out,” Lex snapped as he went back to snuggling his head into Charlie’s neck. The good news is they weren’t fucking but the room reeked of sex. Plus they were both naked, under the covers. That kinda killed my buzz, although I could honestly stare at Lex all day. Okay, that was kinda creepy and, well, I don’t know if that constitutes me as a being bad friend considering he was her husband.
“As much as I love you, big brother, you have to get your naked ass out of here. The inn booked a travelling polka group and well, unless you want to have polka tunes stuck in your head all week, it’s time to leave.”