Page 47 of Into the Darkness
“You wanna puff, bro?” he asked.
“Nah, I’m sweet. Thanks man,” I responded. I walked back in the house, the guys probably thinking I was a fuckwit for standing around them for two seconds.
“Alex, there you are! Shit, why do you stink like weed?” Samantha scrunched her nose as she attempted to hug me. Mission accomplished.
“I was just outside for a second talking to some dude. Sorry abo
ut the smell.”
She grinned and I wondered how much vodka she’d had. “Don’t worry, baby, that’s why showers were invented and tonight, don’t expect to have one alone.” She winked at me while trying to grab my cock in the middle of the hallway. Thankfully, Elijah interrupted.
“Birthday cake time,” he cheered.
He brought out the cake and the crowd started singing Happy Birthday. I saw her standing across the room next to that jerk. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She stared at me, her face unreadable. It was times like this I wished I could read minds. It wasn’t a mistake, Charlotte. I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone else in my life. I played the words in my head, hoping she had some telepathic gift and could hear me. As the singing stopped and Adriana blew out the candles, the crowd cheered before dispersing back to their little groups.
I needed to find her again. I didn’t know what I would say but I was hoping the words would come to me once I stood in front of her. I searched the dance floor. Nothing. I looked around the room; I could only see cliques of girls standing around. I walked into the kitchen; there were a few girls there but no one I recognized. I was about to walk upstairs when I heard her voice from the den, and she wasn’t alone.
“Look, Carter, I only agreed to go to prom because you nagged me like a two-dollar whore.”
“Oh, come on, Charlie. You know we are meant to be. Why are you wasting your time on that jerk?”
“His name is Logan and he is one of my best friends. Don’t you dare talk shit about him.”
“Whatever. You can do better than him.”
“And what, you think you are better that him?” She laughed. As much as I hated this Logan guy, it seemed I found a new frontrunner.
“C’mon, Charlie, no one will know. Just once, let me prove it.” His voice softened.
“Don’t fucking touch me, Carter.”
I pushed the door open, both of them shocked to see me. “You heard her. Don’t you dare fucking touch her if you value your balls,” I commanded.
“Oh, look who’s back, big-shot Edwards. How’s medical life treating you? I heard Daddy pulled some nice strings so you could intern at the hospital?” he mocked.
I was ready to punch his fucking face when she stood in front of me with her hands on my chest. “Let it go, Alex.”
Carter laughed, then I looked up and saw Charlotte turn around and punch him directly in the nose. He shrieked like a fucking schoolgirl. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?”
Charlie bent over, her fists clenched, the pain visible on her face. “Don’t ever talk shit about any of my friends, you understand?” she gritted through her teeth.
I examined her swollen hand. Damn, what a punch! We left Carter standing in the den, wiping the blood from his nose. Back in the kitchen, I made her sit down as I searched the freezer for that bag of peas again. Placing it on her hand, I let the bag reduce the swelling so I could examine it further.
“Sorry, this will hurt but just for a second. I need to make sure it isn’t broken.” I opened her palm and laid it flat in mine. She could move her fingers slowly so I knew it wasn’t broken. It didn’t stop her from moaning as the pain increased. “Not broken, but it will bruise up. Do you normally punch people who talk shit about your friends?”
“He had it coming, that jerk.” She chuckled, followed by a sharp cry as she moved her hand.
“Oh Charlotte, my poor baby,” I whispered. I wanted to kiss her, take her home and remove the pain she was feeling. She looked into my eyes, her expression sad. I wasn’t sure it was entirely because of the punch.
“Oh my God, Char, what happened?!” Adriana stumbled into the room. Fuck, she was tanked. Mom was gonna hang me out by my balls for this.
I backed away from Charlotte. Adriana was too drunk to notice, anyway. She explained what happened which was pointless because Adriana would remember nothing in the morning. I decided to go find Samantha; it was time to go home. I was physically and mentally exhausted.
“Oh, here he is, my hot-as-fuck husband, Dr. Edwards! Well, not yet, but soon I can say Dr. Edwards to anyone I want,” she slurred.
“Sammy, I think it’s time to go.”
It was well after midnight and the party had dwindled down. The guy she was chatting with decided to leave, as well as the remaining partygoers. The music finally stopped, and the DJ packed up his equipment.