Page 68 of Into the Darkness
I sat there in shock. It was one of my favorite songs, the lyrics of the song playing in my head.
“Charlie… Earth to Charlie!” Eric broke me from my Lex porno fantasy. I had no doubt I was missing the sanity gene. The apple was being dangled in front of me and I was devouring every bite. I seriously needed to snap out of it.
“Sorry, Eric, let’s start.”
“Should we start by discussing why it smells like raw animalistic sex in your office?”
“What?! Have you been watching Brokeback Mountain again?”
“No…although I do believe I now have an unhealthy obsession with Andrew McCarthy.”
“Um, what? How is that even possible? You were born in like, what…?” I counted my fingers trying to figure out what year he was born.
“Ninety-one, Charlie, sheesh. Anyway, they played the movie Pretty in Pink and let me tell you, I don’t know at what point they ever thought that dress was prom-worthy. I have tea towels that look better than that.”
“The fact that you’re a Pretty in Pink virgin should have been raised a long time ago. It’s like THE movie of all movies. Not seeing it is like not knowing Madonna sings Material Girl and I’d like to also point out your tea towels are purchased from the same place the Queen buys them from—thanks to your mother.”
“Fine, so shoot me. Less about tea towels and back to your bang-bang on the desk.”
“Sorry, E, subject closed. We have a brief to work on.”
“You’re such a party pooper, Charlie.”
“Yeah, preach it to the world with your hundred-dollar royal tea towels.”
We briefed for an hour before Eric left my office. The first few appointments were nothing out of the ordinary until I heard a knock on my door. “Come in,” I answered.
“Charlie, there is someone for here for you.” Eric glanced at me nervously.
Oh fuck, please don’t tell me it’s Lex. There was no way I could resist him and I wasn’t comfortable fucking him in broad daylight with the whole office present.
“Who is it?” I asked nervously.
“Mrs. Benson,” he replied.
“I don’t know who that is but fine, let her in.” He left the room and returned a few moments later.
“Hello, Charlie,” she spoke politely.
I turned to face her. “Samantha?” In my head all I heard was the imperial march from Star Wars, and she was Darth Vader. The realization that she was in my office felt surreal. A week ago I hadn’t seen Lex for seven years. Not only had I fucked him, now I was standing here in my office with his ex-wife.
“I’m sorry I didn’t arrange a meeting. Can we talk?” she asked.
I motioned for her to sit down. “Is there something I can help you with?”
“I want to apologize.” Huh? Shouldn’t I be the one apologizing for ruining her marriage? “Charlie, I’m sorry. The whole thing with Alex—” She looked down at her hands as she spoke. “I knew well before the pregnancy that he loved you. I could see the way he looked at you. I made mistakes, so many, but the one thing I do not regret is my baby girl.” She broke down, sobbing into her hands. It caught me by surprise. I handed her a box of tissues.
“I’m sorry too, Samantha. He was yours. I was young and stupid and shouldn’t have let it get that far.” I couldn’t believe the words as they tumbled out.
“I know life would have b
een different for you if I had just let you be together.”
“You made vows to each other. I had no right—”
She held out her arms, interrupting me. I leaned in and hugged her. “I hope you can forgive me.” Like an old friend she whispered in my ear, “Charlie, his heart never belonged to me, it always belonged to you, and it still does. Don’t let your stubbornness get in the way of true love.” She pulled away with a smile on her face and glassy eyes, then walked out of my office.
I was left dumbfounded; I knew what I needed right now. I grabbed the phone and dialed, letting it ring loud on speaker. “Adriana, it’s me.”