Page 73 of Into the Darkness
“Mr. Edwards, a pleasure to see you again,” Victoria greeted, practically drooling. It was so unbecoming of a lady.
“Ms. Preston.”
“Please, sit down. Would you like a drink?” she asked politely.
The waiter stopped at our table, took our order then scurried off. Victoria looked at me, taking a sip of her wine. She purposely licked her lips slightly as she put the glass down. She had real big lips, the kind that would chase you in your nightmares wanting to drown you in saliva. I guess they would be really good for head though… Argh, I was only thinking that because I was furious with Charlotte.
Kate arrived armed with the proposal documents. I introduced her to Victoria. Of course, Victoria being the stuck-up bitch she was put on her fake greeting, followed by a condescending look at Kate.
“So, Mr. Edwards, the main proposal was highly praised however during the initial startup we will require you to be very hands-on. As you can imagine, your absence did question your dedication to us as your client which is why we originally declined the offer.”
Bitch. One fucking time, seriously. She made it sound like I was at home scratching my balls all day watching MTV. “Ms. Preston, I assure you that our dedication to this project is above and beyond what you expect. I apologize for my absence due to an emergency situation that needed to be taken care of here in New York.”
“Look, Mr. Edwards. My team will only sign this proposal if you can commit to your side of the contract. We also now request that the majority of the work be done in London.”
Fuck! I knew what that meant. It meant long fucking hours at their main headquarters. How was I ever going to see Charlotte if I was in London? Maybe she didn’t actually give a fuck about me. Maybe she just needed a retribution fuck. Maybe she was me two weeks ago. The Lex Edwards who would sweet talk ladies when he needed a quick fuck, the type that would disappear in the middle of the night without even a quick goodbye or “thanks, I had a lovely time sticking my dick in your pussy.” But then I thought of the times she let her guard down, when she asked me to look her in the eyes, how emerald green was still her favorite color and when she said there’d be a next time… There was hope that she still felt something.
“This is a one-year contract, Mr. Edwards. Do we have your commitment that this will be carried out in that specified time?”
A ten million fucking dollar business deal and I questioned it because I didn’t want to leave New York. I know, I know, I’m pussy whipped. She handed me the papers with a pen, eyeing me, waiting for a reaction. I hesitated, looking at Kate who watched me puzzled by my delayed reaction. I grabbed the pen and began signing the documents. I felt like the weight of the world now rested on my shoulders. I knew what I was in for, I just had to find a way to make it work.
Kate announced that she would make copies and return in ten minutes. Leaving me alone with Victoria, I dreaded where this conversation would lead.
“It will be nice to have you back in London,” she said more playfully. “We should have dinner when you are back to discuss any other ideas you might have.”
“Look, Victoria, this is strictly business. You know I don’t mix business with pleasure.”
“Oh please, Lex, like you haven’t fucked your little assistant. Kat, Kathy, whatever her name is,” she sneered.
“Her name is Kate and no, she is a valuable employee. I meant what I said. Do not play games with me.”
Kate returned with the copied documents. We wrapped up the meeting with Victoria advising she would email me a confirmation of when the project would begin.
Walking up to my suite, I felt drained. The last twenty-four hours had been heaven and hell in equal measure. I wanted Charlotte so fucking much yet I couldn’t overcome the rage I felt over the whole Samantha thing.
“Mr. Edwards, you look exhausted. Let me take care of things for the rest of the day. I suggest you have a good sleep,” Kate offered.
She had a point. Even though it was close to lunchtime, I would have no problem getting some sleep. I was never this worn out but right now I was no nearer to answers to the questions that were remaining. I had to re-focus with a plan of attack. Jesus Christ, I was treating this whole Charlotte thing like a goddamn business proposal. Maybe I needed to tackle it that way. The only thing I was sure about was that she was mine, and no one was going to take her away from me. Not now, not ever. Still, I couldn’t shake my hostility toward her for forgiving Samantha. Why did she do it?
What about me? I thought. Why won’t she forgive me?
Chapter 19
The rain didn’t deter me from my usual morning run. Instead it cooled me down, allowing me to run even harder. I stopped off at my usual bench trying to catch my breath. The last forty-eight hours had been draining to say the least. Apart from a heavy workload that I was struggling with due to my unstable personal life, I had Lex to deal with.
“Hi again!” The familiar blonde girl stopped by the bench.
“Hi. I haven’t seen you for a few days. Did you leave New York?” I asked politely.
“Yes, briefly, but here I am again.” She laughed, then reached out her hand to introduce herself. “I’m Kate, by the way.”
I shook her hand. “I’m Charlie.”
She chuckled slightly. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m laughing. I am so stressed out with work right now I think I’m losing my marbles.”