Page 86 of Into the Darkness
“Great, Lex,” Adriana squealed when I told her. “What song?”
I didn’t answer her. Instead I got up and walked over to the stage and spoke to the head of the band. I asked him if I could borrow the piano. Charlotte was seated at the table, her expression confused. I didn’t know what happened outside but it was time.
I took a seat at the piano, taking a deep breath. I positioned my fingers over the keys. The lights dimmed and my heart was going a thousand miles a minute. The crowd cheered loud and somehow, somewhere I found my voice.
The words flowed freely as did my fingers along the keys. I knew she had to have known this song, my eyes focused on her as I sung, she sat there, still. I wanted her to know how I felt, how much pain I was in, how much regret I felt about leaving her. That it was always her and would always be her. After, the crowd erupted into a loud roar followed by whistles. I stood up and walked down the stairs. I was stopped by a few cougars on the way back to our table, something that Rocky couldn’t help but comment on.
“Excellent job, man,” he said, leaning in c
loser. “Did you see the MILF in the red dress? Holy mother of—” Nikki slapped the back of his head, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
She sat there, her eyes never leaving mine like she was about to say something. I wished I could read her mind. Fuck, was I finally getting through to her? She leaned and whispered something to Eric. He quickly got up and walked over to the man organizing the music. I watched her knock back a whole glass of sangria and almost instantly she looked calmer. Eric and Charlotte’s names were called and they made their way to the stage. I couldn’t help but admire her stunning figure as she walked past me; those emerald green pumps looked amazing against her tanned legs. I grabbed her wrist as she walked past.
“Good luck, Charlotte,” I offered.
Her gaze met mine again like she was searching for something, but I had no clue because she wouldn’t tell me. Eric ushered her along and they walked onto the stage. Her body looked more relaxed. Yep, she was fucking drunk. I recognized the song almost immediately. Her voice was angelic. She closed her eyes as she sang her part. I sat and stared, taking in every word as she began to sing Pink’s song: Just Give Me A Reason.
Eric sang the male part but I was lost. Was this how she felt? That we were broken. I pushed the thought away. Of course we could be fixed, it was us after all. This wasn’t some high school fling. If I was the one who broke us by leaving then what exactly did she need from me in order to fix us?
The crowd cheered and whistled as the song finished. The words were plain and simple. We can learn to love again. We weren’t broken. At least I acknowledged the mistakes I made, and kept making. At least I was trying. That means something, doesn’t it? She had to see that or else she wouldn’t have so openly sung this song. She came back to the table and plonked herself on her chair. Eric poured her some sangria, why the fuck for I had no idea. She was gone already. As she continued to gaze at me, I watched her. Not knowing who would break eye contact first, like we were both trying to read each other’s mind. I was the first one to look away only because a lady beside me asked for a light to which I politely indicated that I didn’t smoke.
Music played and the crowd got up and danced. The atmosphere was relaxed. Sangria is deadly; it creeps up on you when you least it expect it. Adriana and Elijah where on the dance floor. Eric was teaching the tourists how to do the Macarena, which I had to admit was worth watching. Nikki and Rocky disappeared but their belongings were still here, a quickie in the bathroom no doubt.
“Leexxxxxx,” Charlotte slurred her words as she came and sat on my lap.
“Charlotte, you’re drunk.”
“No I’m not!” Adamant that she wasn’t, she continued. “I’m just really really really happy, you know?” she smiled as she took another drink.
“Enough sangria for you.” I pulled the glass away but she whined.
“Nooo, Leexxx… Look I’m fineeee. See, I even like you right now.”
“So you didn’t like me before?” I teased.
“Nooo I hated you...hated you for leaving me alone…leaving us.”
“You hated me, Charlotte?” I asked cautiously. She wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me in close. She may have been drunk but she still smelled like Charlotte, my girl.
“Of course I hated you…but now I like you again.” She kissed my forehead then smiled.
“What do you mean by us, Charlotte?”
“You and me, us.” Her tone changed. “Let’s dance, please Lex!”
She jumped off my lap and dragged me onto the dance floor. We danced and she held onto me, really tight. She sang to me and I sang back to her. It was our only way of speaking to each other. I can’t even remember what the song was because I was so lost in this moment with her. The band announced it was the last song of the night so what did they play? Whitney Houston. I let Charlotte have her fun with the girls as they danced all 80s like to the music. I walked back to the table and found Eric, Rocky and Elijah laughing while looking at me.
“What?” I asked.
“Why can’t you guys just kiss and make up already?” Eric laughed.
“Or kiss and fuck already,” Rocky chimed in.
“Oh wait, too late, you guys have already done that,” Elijah chided.
“Funny, you guys. Since the three of you are so interested, why don’t you ask Charlotte the same questions?”
“Dude, she’ll have my balls if I ask her that!”