Page 9 of Into the Darkness
“So I’ve been told.”
At this point my mother placed her hand over Adriana’s, trying to calm her down. I ordered a drink while I waited for them to change the subject, then I took out my cell and scrolled through my emails until my mother scolded me for my behavior…again.
“Alexander, this is not the man I raised you to be, nor the man I know and love. I know you have a tarnished view of marriage but that doesn’t excuse your rude behavior towards your sister.”
Here we go again. I grabbed some cash out of my pocket and threw it on the table. Walking away, I knew I hadn’t acted the way I should have, but I didn’t give a flying fuck. People could get married as long as I wasn’t involved in any way shape or form. The word marriage itself hit a nerve with me. It ruined everything, it ruined people.
Back at my hotel, I buried myself in work until the night fell. This is what my life had become—working round the clock, not knowing when the day began or the night set in. I traveled all over the world for business, not once taking a vacation. I isolated myself, losing contact with old friends. Relationships weren’t for me. I fucked when I needed to let off steam and that was that. When a rare opportunity for
peace presented itself, I sat with a bourbon in my hand. Those were the moments I dreaded the most; they brought my failures to the surface and allowed me to think of the past. I wasn’t that Alexander anymore. He was buried the day I left Carmel. I was Lex Edwards, CEO of the Lexed group. I controlled everything in my life and thrived on the power I had. No one told me what to do. I lived my life exactly how I wanted. Everything in my life made sense now; everything was perfect. Except for one minor thing: I was fucking miserable.
Chapter 3
“Are you daydreaming about all the hot sex you’re going to have tonight while I drool over juiceheads on the new season of Jersey Shore?” Eric asked as he sat on an office chair, spinning himself around like a five-year-old.
“Tonight? What’s tonight?”
“Uh, duh, your six month anniversary...with Julian at that fancy restaurant.” He sighed.
“Oh shit, I completely forgot! What the hell am I going to wear?” I wondered out loud.
“That little red number you bought last week, the one that accentuates your ass, and anyway what’s with you? You’ve been acting weird today.”
I was slightly taken aback by his comment. “Weird as in how?”
“As in I need a good bang in my cooch but even with that big dick inside me my mind is elsewhere kind of weird.”
“Wow E, you really like to paint a picture, don’t you?”
“When it involves Batman and his giant dick, I’m all about painting pictures…lots of mental pictures.”
“Okay, when did I ever say he had a giant dick?”
“You never denied it...”
“I never confirmed it either!” I said, laughing, then I continued, “For the record I’m not commenting on size, but I am plenty satisfied. Now scoot! I need to get ready for this date I almost forgot about.”
I sensed his nervousness. The constant tap of his foot under the table was driving me to distraction, his hands clutching the napkin with a tight grip that turned his knuckles white. His smile was genuine yet something was off. Letting out a sigh, I suspected he was experiencing the “itch.” The six month itch: I read about it in an article in Cosmo. Men generally get more comfortable around this time in their relationships, yet others get the itch. The itch to change what has become familiar. It’s common, and why should I have expected anything different? Except Julian was different; he was amazing. He was the pinup boy of the man your daddy wanted you to marry. He treated me with respect and kindness and I loved the time I spent with him. I thought it was going somewhere, especially after the exchange of ‘I love you’ last week.
Placing his hands over mine, he curled his fingers into my own, squeezing them gently, letting out a huge breath before he began speaking. “Charlie, you are the most amazing, beautiful, smart, talented woman I have ever met. The last six months have been nothing short of spectacular. I've been thinking a lot, about us, where I want to be. I love you Charlie, but this is not enough for me...” I could feel the bile rising in my throat. Here it comes…
I went to speak but he interrupted me. “Charlie, I want you in my life, every day. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up, the last thing I see when I go to sleep. And between those moments, I want you with me in my dreams.”
Then he stood from his chair and got down on one knee, his eyes staring right into mine as a wave of panic settled in my chest.
“Charlie Mason, Will you marry me?”
Letting out a loose cough, I almost choked as I heard the words out loud. Marriage?
Struggling to breathe, my heart began beating unevenly, but so loud I was sure the whole restaurant heard. In the space of a few seconds he produced a small black box, opening it slowing to reveal a sparkly princess-cut diamond.
“But…we've only been together for six months…” I stuttered.
He pulled the ring out of the box, delicately placing it between his fingers. “I love you, Charlie. I don't need any more time to figure that out. You’re the one I've been waiting for.”