Page 86 of Kicking Reality
“Where else would I be?”
“I don’t want to answer that.”
There’s a struggle to open her eyes. They’re tired but still bright blue. “Logan, don’t . . . we can’t.”
How do I tell her that I wanted her exclusively? With the pressures of our careers and lives, it would be impossible to make it work. We didn’t even live on the same continent. The media wouldn’t allow us to have a relationship and what about our family? Everything about us was difficult.
She shuffles her body closer to me, placing her lips on mine so we gently kiss.
“You only have to know that I don’t sleep with him anymore. Trust me, please.”
“Your text said differently.”
“You fucked that nurse,” she rebuts. “Logan, we both did things out of anger. I’m telling you the truth now. I don’t sleep with him. Please accept that or we can’t move on.”
I grit my teeth, trying to remain calm although every part of me wanted to tell her how I really felt. How last week I had spent my time watching season two. How at night when I couldn’t sleep, I found myself stalking the both of them online. It was a sick obsession and one that I couldn’t shake no matter how much I tried.
“Or anyone else.”
“I’m so tired I can’t even think. No one else . . . just you . . .”
Her gentle snores fall onto my chest, and with her final words easing my anxious thoughts, I hold onto her—wide awake—until the sun comes up.
The clock on the bedside table marks seven o’clock. We were due to meet Abbi, Chris, and Ash for breakfast in forty-five minutes. I knew Ash was staying in the same hotel, but had no idea where he ended up last night.
I didn’t sleep a wink, thinking this would be our last night for a very long time. Despite our win yesterday, Coach pegged me for an exclusive training camp in Spain that would begin after finals if we won. It would be a grueling four-week camp with zero chance to see her.
The thought alone drove me insane, so with her naked body laying beside me in the sunlight, I move on top of her and enter her slowly—fucking her till she begins to wake up.
The beautiful sight of her perky tits begged me to suck on them. Even her pussy feels raw, fucked beyond its means from our wild night. We last only a few moments before I blow inside, her body following closely behind.
We catch our breaths; her smile remaining on her tired face.
“Well good morning to you too.”
“What can I say, I’m an early riser.”
Her body lays flat and I wiggle myself out of her. “We have to leave soon.”
“Already? Did you even sleep?”
I shake my head. “But you did. You’re so cute . . . you still do that pouty sleep face from when you were a kid.”
She sits up with a struggle, holding onto her head while wincing. “When did you ever watch me sleep?”
“A dozen times,” I answer truthfully. “Whenever you fell asleep on the sofa and that time we camped in the backyard.”
“Oh yeah,” she reminisces along with me. “You stayed awake all night long and pretended to be a clown with the freaky mask. Ash couldn’t sleep for weeks after that.”
I laugh, a fond memory that still haunted him to this day.
“I should shower,” she yawns, stretching her arms then pulling them back wincing again.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, worried.
“You’ve fucked me to the point of thoroughly fucked. I can’t move.” She stands up, hobbling to the bathroom and turning the shower on. The water runs for a while with steam filling the room and clouding the mirror. I hop in with her, noticing her skin looks red-raw with a few bruises.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you.” I kiss her arm from when I gripped on tight.