Page 43 of Best Friend Bride
“Good. I don’t want to be the woman who came between you and your friends.”
“You couldn’t possibly. Because you’re the woman who is my friend. I never want that to change.”
And then there was no more talking as Viv made short work of getting them both undressed, which was only fair since she was on top. He liked Take Charge Viv almost as much as he liked In Love with Him Viv.
She was everything he never expected when he fell in love with his best friend.
Jonas walked into the bar where he’d asked Warren and Hendrix to meet him. He’d tried to get Viv to come with him, but she’d declined with a laugh, arguing that the last person who should be present at the discussion of how Jonas had broken the pact was the woman he’d fallen in love with.
While he agreed, he still wasn’t looking forward to it. Despite what he’d told Viv, he didn’t think Warren and Hendrix were going to take his admission lightly.
His friends were already seated in a high-backed booth, which Jonas appreciated given the private nature of what he intended to discuss. They’d already taken the liberty of ordering, and three beers sat on the table. But when he slid into the booth across from Warren, Hendrix cleared his throat.
“I’m glad you called,” Hendrix threw out before Jonas could open his mouth. “I have something really important to ask you both.”
Thrilled to have an out, Jonas folded his hands and toyed with his wedding band, which he did anytime he thought about Viv. He did it so often, the metal had worn a raw place on his finger. “I’m all ears, man.”
Warren set his phone down, but no less than five notifications blinked from the screen. “Talk fast. I have a crisis at work.”
Hendrix rolled his eyes. “You always have a crisis. It’s usually that you’re not there. Whatever it is can wait five minutes.” He let out a breath with a very un-Hendrix-like moan. “I need you guys to do me a favor and I need you to promise not to give me any grief over it.”
“That’s pretty much a guarantee that we will,” Warren advised him with cocked eyebrow. “So spill before I drag it out of you.”
“I’m getting married.”
Jonas nearly spit out the beer he’d just sipped. “To one woman?”
“Yes, to one woman.” Hendrix shot him a withering glare. “It’s not that shocking.”
“The hell you say.” Warren hit the side of his head with the flat of his palm. Twice. “I think my brain is scrambled. Because I’d swear you just said you were getting married.”
“I did, jerkoff.” Hendrix shifted his scowl to Warren. “It’s going to be very good for me.”
“Did you steal that speech from your mom?” Warren jeered, his phone completely forgotten in favor of the real-life drama happening in their booth. “Because it sounds like you’re talking about eating your veggies, not holy matrimony.”
“You didn’t give Jonas this much crap when he got married,” Hendrix reminded him as Warren grinned.
“Um, whatever.” Jonas held up a finger as he zeroed in on the small downturn of Hendrix’s mouth. “That is completely false, first of all. You have a short memory. And second, if this is like my marriage, you’re doing it for a reason, one you’re not entirely happy about. What’s this really about?”
Hendrix shrugged, wiping his expression clear. “I’m marrying Rosalind Carpenter. That should pretty much answer all of your questions.”
It so did not. Warren and Jonas stared at him, but Warren beat him to the punch. “Whoa, dude. That’s epic. Is she
as much a knockout in person as she is in all those men’s magazines?”
He got an elbow in his ribs for his trouble, but it wasn’t Warren’s fault that there were so many sexy pictures of Rosalind Carpenter to consider.
“Shut up. That’s my fiancée you’re talking about.”
Jonas pounded on the table to get their attention. “On that note...if the question is will we be in the wedding party, of course we will.” They had plenty of time to get the full story. After Jonas steered them back to the reason why he’d called them with an invitation for drinks. “Get back to us when you’ve made plans. Now chill out while we talk about my thing.”
“Which is?” Warren gave him the side-eye while checking his messages.
“I broke the pact.”
The phone slipped out of Warren’s hand and thunked against the leather seat. “You did what? With Viv?”