Page 109 of Ten Ways to Ruin
Presentable! Hah! Her mind shifted to a day a year ago when she and Louisa interrupted him. Anger and pain warred inside her. She wanted to hate him. Her heart wanted only to love him.
She walked into the gaming room and nodded at Melissa. Meg frowned at her but brought over a whisky.
“Is this still your drink, Miss Drake?”
“Thank you, Meg.” She put her money down on twenty-three for her age and waited for the ball to fall. As the ball circled, she glanced up toward his office window, but the room appeared dark from here. Perhaps he had already left for the evening.
He must be here.
She needed to get this over, return the gift, and leave before her heart weakened any further. If she couldn’t marry for love, then there was no reason to marry at all. She didn’t need protection when she had a duke for a brother-in-law.
“Twenty-three!” the croupier called out.
Emma turned her attention back to the table.
“Why am I not surprised,” a deep voice said from behind her.
Her hands trembled as she collected her winnings. “Thank you,” she said to the croupier before rising to face her personal demon. “Good evening.”
She tried not to drink in the sight of him but lost. It had only been a few days since she’d seen him at Louisa’s. Tonight, he looked different. Stiff. Angry. And so damned handsome that all she wanted to do was put her arms around his neck and kiss the fury away.
“What are you doing here again, Miss Drake?” he whispered harshly. “Unless you’ve already come to tell me something of vast importance.”
His gaze dropped to her belly.
“It’s hardly been enough time to know that,” she retorted. “May we speak in your office? Privately?”
“No.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
Emma scanned the room and noticed a few people blatantly staring at them. Airing their disputes in public would give the gossips more to discuss. Perhaps she could goad him into a private discussion. “Afraid to be alone with me, Kingsley?”
His jaw tightened as his lips drew into a straight line. “No, Miss Drake. I have a guest coming tonight and would like you to be on your way.”
A guest.
A lady, no doubt.
For a short time, she’d wanted to believe that rakes can change. She’d been wrong. “Very well,” she reached into her reticule and pulled out the small box. Handing it to him, she said, “Thank you for the gift, but I cannot accept it.”
“It was a birthday gift, nothing more, Miss Drake.”
Her cheeks flamed. She’d never thought there was any other reason for the gift until he’d put the idea in her head. “Oh,” she whispered.
“Emma,” Simon murmured. “Take the gift and leave. We can discuss it tomorrow.”
“I cannot discuss this tomorrow.” She shoved the small box at him. “Please just take it. They are beautiful, but I mustn’t accept.”
“Well, there ye are, King,” A rough voice boomed across the room. “With the prettiest doxy in the room.”
Simon swore softly.
Emma glared over the man at the threshold of the room. He wore brown woolen clothes that barely fit his overstuffed frame. A thin cigar hung from his mouth that seemed to defy gravity by staying there as he spoke.
“Don’t say anything. And for the love of God, do not do a thing,” Simon whispered harshly in her ear. “I will explain later. As soon as he’s distracted, get out of here.”
“Come on, King. You can fuck the girl later. Or I will.”
Emma shivered in disgust.