Page 20 of Ten Ways to Ruin
Hardy glanced down at the brown liquid in his glass. “I’ve heard a few rumors but didn’t think anything of it...until now.”
“What rumors, Hardy?”
“There’s a group of troublemakers in Seven Dials looking to take down as many of the gaming hells as possible.”
“To take over. If this group can get us to either sell or leave, then they’ll control a larger piece of the gaming trade.”
Simon scowled as thought about the idea. “But where did they even get the money? I charge three pounds just to get into Hell. That’s a bloody fortune for just about anyone from Seven Dials.”
Hardy nodded. “There has to be someone funding them.”
Simon rested his head back and stared at the white ceiling. “Is it only us?”
“So far, not that I’ve spoken with all the operators, but I talked to Rose the other day, and she hasn’t seen any increase in cheats. Perhaps they’re focusing on a few hells at a time. Then they’ll move onto more.”
“Do you
think Rose would align herself with this group?” Rose Lively was not the most honest of gaming hell operators.
“I don’t think so.”
“Why not? Isn’t she the one who sought to buy you out a few years ago?”
Hardy smiled. “Yes, but we came up with an arrangement.”
“Shit, you’re fucking her, aren’t you?”
Hardy jumped out of his seat and glared down at him. “Do not ever use that term with her again, boy.”
“You’re in love with her?” Simon laughed in disbelief.
Hardy shrugged. “Perhaps.”
But Simon wondered if Rose was in love with Hardy. Simon had never trusted her, but he couldn’t say why. Something about the way she cared more for money than the welfare of her employees bothered him. Not that most men would be any different. And perhaps that was Simon’s issue with her. Rose acted more mannish and not the nurturing female, but Hardy trusted her. Simon would listen to his advisor.
“Very well then, we can count her out of this mess. Can you reach out to your contacts and see if anyone else is having the same issue we are?”
“Of course.”
Simon rose slowly and smiled. “Sorry about the blows.”
Hardy laughed. “It’s not the first time, King. And it won’t be the last time unless you sell to me and get out of this nasty business.”
“That is why you offered for Hell again, isn’t it?”
Hardy had always watched out for him. Simon should have realized something was wrong when Hardy came to him last week.
“Perhaps.” The older man shrugged. “Maybe it is time you left this business. You’re the son of a duke, and your brother has accepted you. Get out of this ugly business and go where you belong.”
“You sound like Harry now.”
“The Duke is an intelligent man,” Hardy said with a wry smile. “Find yourself a pretty lady and have a proper family. Not one like you grew up in.”
“Goodnight, Hardy.”
Simon departed, feeling deflated and unsure of his future. He hadn’t felt this way since he bought Hell. From that point on, Simon had known where his future lay. Until his natural father died, leaving him struggling with which world he truly belonged. Neither world seemed to fit right now.