Page 85 of Ten Ways to Ruin
“No, dear. I have other plans this evening.”
Emma stared in disbelief as her mother walked to the waiting carriage. Glancing past her, Emma noticed Lord Hammond waiting to assist her into the coach.
As their coach drove away, Harry’s barouche slowed to a stop. Instead of waiting for her brother-in-law, she grabbed her shawl and met him as he disembarked. “Good evening, Harry.”
Harry turned with a smile. “Ah, Emma, you look beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you.” She took his hand to climb up into the empty coach. “Where is Louisa?”
“George was feeling poorly.” He settled himself into his seat. “So, you must suffer with me as your escort.”
“That is not necessary, Harry. You should be home with Louisa and George.”
He shook his head. “My wife will have my head if I do not escort you.”
Emma felt dreadful that Harry had been coerced into playing chaperone. “Very well, then. I shall dance no more than two sets, and then we will take our leave.”
Harry chuckled. “This is Louisa we are talking about, Emma. She will be furious if you do not stay for the entire ball.”
“I shall plead a headache,” Emma replied with a smile as they reached the Lancaster home.
Once inside, Emma searched for Susan before the dancing began. Spying her dearest friend, she turned to Harry with a grin and said, “I must speak to Susan. I’m assuming I will find you with all the matrons watching over their charges.”
Harry laughed. “Go. I will be right here, watching you.”
Emma nodded and twisted through the crush of people waiting for the dancing to begin.
“Miss Drake!”
Emma stopped at the sound of Bolton’s voice.
“Over here.”
She turned to the right to find him battling to get to her. “Lord Bolton,” she said with a quick curtsy. “This is quite a crush tonight.”
“Yes, yes. You have not forgotten your promise of the first dance, have you?”
“Of course not. Surely we have a few more minutes. I wished to speak with Susan.”
He checked his pocket watch. “I hear nine exactly for the dancing.”
“I will be there.” She moved away only to discover Susan was not in the same place. Emma glanced about the room as best she could until she noticed the flash of pink coming toward her. “There you are.”
Susan clasped both Emma’s hands. “How good of you to come! I was afraid you might be miffed about my conversation with Mr. Kingsley.”
“Yes, I did wish to speak to you.”
Susan flushed scarlet. “He insisted he was there on behalf of your sister and the duke. I could not deny his request.”
Emma nodded. She did understand, and if the situation were reversed, she most likely would have acted in kind. Still, she needed to know if all Susan had divulged everything on the list. The carriage racing was only two days away.
“I understand, Susan. Exactly what did you tell him?”
Susan frowned in thought. “Well, I told him about the list, what I could remember that is. Also, about you and Oliver paying a call on Mr. Bowles—”
“Yes,” Emma interrupted. “Exactly, what items on the list did you tell him about?”
“Introducing yourself to a gentleman, kissing a man, he knew about you going to Hell, umm, I didn’t tell him about stealing something, and that was all.”