Page 6 of Vexing the Viscount
“Thank you, Mr. Nelson.”
“If you need anything, just ring.”
Tia sat down on the bed as the butler left the room. She had wanted nothing more than to lie back against the bed and fall asleep. But her dratted foot throbbed. Soaking it would help get the last few shards of glass out.
Drat Middleton for catching her. But at least now, she had an advantage. Hopefully, his brother would come to call on him and then she could make sure Jonathon was all right and tell him how she felt about him. Surely, the man had to feel the same after all the compliments he’d paid her over the summer. It wasn’t everyday she was told how beautiful she was or how her amber eyes were like a fire, flaming his desire. That was the day she’d fallen in love with him.
The door to her room opened and an older woman with a scowl entered. “What are you doing on that bed? Get off those clean bedcovers this instant!”
Tia jumped off the bed as if it was on fire. “Are you Mrs. Abbott?”
“Of course I am.” She shook her gray head as she walked into the room and stared at her. “I don’t know why you aren’t downstairs where you belong,” she muttered.
“What do you mean?”
Mrs. Abbott glared at her. “You’re nothing more than a servant, Miss Featherstone. I have no idea why the viscount would want you upstairs . . . unless you are here for another reason.”
Another reason? What did that old witch mean? Tia wasn’t about to ask. “Have you brought my bathwater?” she asked in her haughtiest tone.
Mrs. Abbott’s lip curled. “Yes, the footmen are coming up presently. Do not worry, princess, you shall have your bath.”
Oh, she didn’t like this woman one bit. “Thank you.”
After the footmen brought up the tub and water, Tia worked on the front buttons of her dress. Mrs. Abbott didn’t even offer to assist her, but that suited Tia just fine. She preferred undressing herself anyway. She was used to taking care of herself at the cottage. Although, she did wonder why Mrs. Abbott remained in the room if she wasn’t going to help her.
“There is no need to stay, Mrs. Abbott. I can bathe myself.”
“I am only waiting for your clothing.”
Ah, that explained it. Middleton must have told Mrs. Abbott to clean her dress. Tia climbed into the tub and sighed as the hot water soothed her tired muscles. It had been a week since she’d been able to have a proper bath and that only lasted long enough for her to wash quickly. Tonight, she would savor this bath.
Mrs. Abbott picked up her clothing and walked toward the door. Tia glanced around.
“Mrs. Abbott, if you take all of my clothes, what shall I wear?”
“The viscount said he would give you a dressing gown to wear for tonight,” the older woman said with a smirk.
A dressing gown! “I need more than that.”
Mrs. Abbott shrugged her shoulders. “You will need to take that up with his lordship. He may care what you wear, but I certainly do not.” The door slammed as Mrs. Abbott left the room.
Tia sank into the tub to wet her hair. As she resurfaced, she heard the door open again. “Have you brought me a dressing gown?”
“Yes,” a husky voice replied.
Chapter 3
Braden leaned back against the door and ignored the spark of passion scurrying through his body. He was only here to drop off the dressing gown so she had something to cover her naked body. Her lush, naked, wet body. Stop thinking about that, he commanded himself. You are not that man any longer.
She had yet to turn and look behind her. He briefly wondered why. None of the wise women he’d met seemed to have a care about their modesty. Tia’s own sister had made no attempt to hide her relationship with a man.
“Middleton, is that you?” She craned her neck to glance back. Spying him, her brown eyes widened and her full mouth gaped. “What are you doing in here?”
He shook his head to clear his lecherous thoughts. Remembering his true reason for being here, he held out a dressing gown. “I brought this for you to wear until I can get a dressmaker here tomorrow.”
“A dressmaker? There is no need for that. If one of the maids could just clean my clothes, I can make do with that until I return to the inn and pick up my other belongings.”