Page 45 of Every Time We Kiss
She sipped her brandy as contentment spread throughout her. Nick still had his arm around her, keeping her warm and safe. It was a damned shame she didn’t feel anything but sisterly affection for him. He would make some woman a wonderful husband.
The sound of someone clearing his throat broke them apart.
Nicholas chuckled softly beside her. “I believe we’ve been caught.”
“Do be quiet,” she replied.
“Ancroft, you should know better than to take a woman of quality out on a deserted terrace. Anyone might have come upon you.”
“Like you, perhaps,” Nick replied with a chuckle.
The sound of his laugh made her giggle, or perhaps it was the brandy.
“Should I get your brother, Lady Jennette?” Matthew asked stiffly.
Jennette’s irritation grew with his pompous behavior. “There is no reason for that.”
Nicholas stood up and removed his coat from her shoulders. She knew how damning this looked but didn’t care. Nick was her friend and no one would disparage him in front of her.
“Good night, Jen.” He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”
She slapped his shoulder. “Good night, Nicky.”
He winked at her and left her on the terrace alone with the man she desired. She was quite tipsy. This was more than trouble. She should leave now before anyone discovered them out here.
“What the devil were you doing out here with him, Jennette?”
“Drinking brandy,” she said, noting her words only slightly slurred.
“Good God, you’re drunk!”
“Not terribly,” she commented flatly.
“Not terribly? You let that scoundrel bring you out here alone and get you drunk. Anything might have happened if I hadn’t come upon you both.”
Jennette leaned back and looked up at him. “With Nicky?”
“The man has a bastard.”
She rose in a quick motion, then grabbed the balustrade for support. “He has a daughter. She is a beautiful little girl whom he is raising because her mother wanted nothing to do with her.”
“That has nothing to do with this,” he growled.
She watched as his face changed, the look of anger replaced with acceptance.
“He’s the reason you refused to marry me, isn’t he?”
“Nicholas? Of course not.”
“Indeed? I saw the look on both your faces. You love each other.”
Jennette blinked, trying to muddle through his logic. “Of course we do.”
“Very well, then. Good night.” He turned on his heel and strode from the terrace before she could explain.
“Oh, bloody stupid man.”