Page 60 of Every Time We Kiss
“It won’t end well for them,” he added in a whispered tone.
“What? It must,” she insisted. “They must marry.”
“Trust me, Blackburn won’t marry that chit.” He drained his sherry then deserted her.
Jennette looked around but Somerton had slipped into the crowd by the doorway. What exactly did he mean by his prophecy? She’d known him long enough to understand he had connections and knew secrets most didn’t. Could he possibly have come into some information regarding Mary and Matthew? It made no sense. Somerton dealt with spies and criminals, not two people who might wish to marry.
Before Jennette could reason anything sensible on the topic, Lady Aston announced the time had come to move to the dining room. Jennette scanned the room looking for someone to escort her, hoping she’d find Somerton again.
“Looking for me?”
Hearing a warmly familiar voice, she turned to Nicholas. “Are you late for everything?” she asked with a laugh.
“It appears I am, lately.” He held out his arm. “Shall we?”
Happy to have a man near her who didn’t expect anything but a smile from her, she answered, “We shall.”
He smiled down at her in a knowing way. “He’s not a bad man, Jennette.”
“Who?” She followed his gaze to Matthew.
“I believe you know exactly to whom I am referring.”
“Why do you care what I think of him?”
“Because I know you need some advice and Banning isn’t about to tell you what you need to hear. Your brother believes every bad thing he has heard about the man. I happen to know differently.”
Jennette’s hand shook as they walked toward the dining room. Instinctively, her gaze went to Matthew, who shot her an irritated look. “What exactly do you know?”
“I know he’s been misjudged by the majority of the members of the ton. You have even verified what happened was an accident. And the other incident was nothing more than a young man’s folly.”
“What do you mean?” She raked her memory for some other issue Matthew might have had years ago. Nothing came to mind. So whatever happened must have been minor.
“It was a long time ago and truly nothing.”
“Is that all you know about him?” she whispered softly.
“It’s enough for me.”
“But not my brother?”
Nicholas laughed. “Do you believe that would make Banning believe Blackburn is a good man? We both know your brother would find fault with any man you chose.”
Jennette nodded. Her brother was as hard-headed as she was, if not worse.
“I have no plans to marry the man if that is your intention when you tout his good points,” she commented flatly.
“Of course not. You shall be leaving for Florence in just a short time.”
“Yes, I will.”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” he whispered in her ear.
Damn him for knowing her so well. “Neither.”
“Of course,” he said, sounding completely unconvinced.
Mr. and Mrs. Marston entered the salon just as she and Nicholas reached the threshold. Mrs. Marston’s eyes widened as she walked in the room. Her gasp made Jennette halt her stride. Dread filled her as she glanced back to see the Marstons staring at Matthew.