Page 65 of Every Time We Kiss
Damn. “Did that hurt?”
“No, please do that again.”
“With pleasure,” he whispered.
Slowly, he withdrew from her and then gently reentered her wetness. He watched her face for any sign of discomfort but only saw her eyes widen as he reached the apex of her. Confident that the worst was over, he repeated the motion faster and felt her close around him. He had to remain in control. He had to make this pleasurable for her.
She shifted her hips, bringing her legs higher on his waist, sending him in deeper. This time they both moaned as the sensation drew them together in timeless ecstasy.
“Matthew,” she whispered.
The sound of her voice urged him on. Wanting nothing more than to lose himself in her body, he increased his motions. He brought his fingers down on her clitoris, desperate for her to find her release.
Jennette moaned again as he touched her most sensitive spot. Sensations rolled like waves through her body as he stroked her. Climbing higher, she felt the pleasure radiating outward, upward until she clutched his shoulders and closed her eyes. Thousands of tiny stars lit up and she reached her release.
He increased his speed, stroking her harder as he reached for her hips and plunged in deeper. He groaned her name over and over as he spilled his seed into her. As he collapsed on top of her, they both struggled to regain control of themselves.
Jennette caressed his hair, as he nipped at her shoulder with his teeth. Her body felt sore and languid and ever so wonderful.
He lifted himself up slightly and smiled down at her. Her heart raced with the tilt of his lips. Gladness struck her as she thought about him being her first lover. The one man she’d wanted for years.
“I should leave,” she said, caressing his cheek with her hand.
He grabbed her wrist and brought it to his lips. “Not yet.”
“People will wonder where I am,” she protested.
“Let them wonder. No one down there gives a bloody damn about either one of us unless they can gossip about it.”
She tilted her head and stared at him. “I know, but my mother is one of them and she does care.”
He closed his eyes. “Just a few minutes more.”
She couldn’t resist the pleading look on his face. And truthfully, she had no desire to leave just yet. She wanted to savor every moment, every second she had with him. She would need these memories to keep her warm once she left the country.
They moved back against the pillows and covered their nakedness with the coverlet. He pulled her close so her head rested on his shoulder. Unable to keep her eyes open, she drifted off to sleep in the arms of the man who knew her deepest secrets. Or at least most of them…
Jennette watched Matthew as he showed his skill with the rapier. John parried and returned each thrust with less expertise until it became apparent to her that Matthew was holding back. Finally, John gave in and looked over at her.
“Do you want to have a try at it, Jennette?”
Matthew glared at his friend. “That is not a good idea, John. The grass is wet.”
“I’ll be perfectly all right,” she retorted. “I’ve been practicing with Banning since I was ten.” She held out her hand for the rapier.
“There is no plug on it,” Matthew warned again. “The tip is very sharp.”
Jennette shook her head. She’d show him what she was capable of, at least with a sword. “I can handle a sword.”
She grabbed the sword from the handsome man. His long, thick fingers held on to hers for a moment. A spark of awareness shot up her arm. His chestnut hair was shorter today as if his valet had just cut it. But she shouldn’t be noticing him.
“Come along, then.” John took his position.
She stood across from him and tried to concentrate on him, her betrothed. But she knew her feelings for John had changed over the past two months. She didn’t feel the attraction for John that he felt for her.
Her gaze slid to Matthew, who sat on the bench frowning at them both. He shook his head as he watched them. Jennette’s hand shook as she drew the rapier in front of her. As she stepped forward, she slid a glance to Matthew to see if he was watching.
But as she pressed forward, determined to gain his attention, her foot slipped on the grass and she fell toward John….