Page 13 of One Night Scandal
“It’s different for a man.”
“Oh, so all those women you had sex with must have already known you then, isn’t that right?”
He turned back and glared at her. “This is not about me. Besides, none of those ladies were my sister.”
“Are you certain?” When she least expected it, the bitterness of their father’s promiscuity returned. There was no telling how many other bastards of his were living in London.
“Anthony, Ancroft saved my life.” She held up her hand to stop his interruption. “I did not sleep with him because of that. I thought he was the man for me.”
“What do you mean, thought?”
She explained about seeing Nicholas when she thought about her future and love after falling into the canal. “But since I left Venice, I haven’t been able to see him again for me. Maybe I was wrong. I honestly don’t know.”
“So you let him seduce you because you thought he was supposed to become your husband?”
She nodded. “When he came into the room and sat on the bed where I was laying . . . I could not look away. I wanted him to . . . kiss me. I have been around numerous charming men, Anthony, but I had never felt such a powerful attraction.”
She blinked and looked away, knowing he would not understand. She scarcely believed it herself.
He finally sat down in the chair across from her and looked down at his hands. “I understand, Sophie. It was always like that with Victoria. No other woman, only her.”
“Anthony, I thought I was giving myself to a man who would become my husband at some point. And I was comfortable with that. I had no idea it was Ancroft. If I had, I would have left before he touched me.”
“He would find out about my past. Once he learned who I was he would never want to marry me.” She laughed scornfully at her situation.
“How did you find out it was Ancroft?” he asked softly. “Or did you just know?”
“No, I didn’t know it was him. I found him very difficult to read. I wrote him a note, thanking him for saving my life and telling him where he could contact me.” Her voice caught. “Then I noticed a worn letter on his desk. I picked it up and read it.” She closed her eyes, remembering the strong emotions on that paper. “The letter was from Jennette.”
“You understand that I have to confront him about it. Call him out if necessary.”
Sophie laughed. “You do not have to do any such thing. The only people who know you are my brother are family members. How would it look to Ancroft if you’re defending my honor?”
“It is not your choice to make, Sophie. If he doesn’t propose to you, then I will call him out for ruining you.”
“I am far from ruined, Anthony.”
“Are you with child?”
“No,” she answered honestly. She thanked God for that small blessing she’d received on the return trip. She knew how to prevent a pregnancy and had done nothing that night, assuming he would be the man to marry her.
“It changes nothing. Your honor has been tarnished. It is up to me to make certain Nicholas does the right thing.”
“There is no right thing to do, Anthony. I’m a bastard. No one cares about my honor.” Her anger rose with his good intentions.
“I do.” He tilted his head and smirked. “I suppose I can always bring this situation to Father’s attention.”
“As if he would care what I do.” Sophie shook her head. “As long as I don’t mention his name to anyone, he pays me no notice.”
Somerton leaned back against his seat. “But you are forgetting that Ancroft will be duke someday. Our father might be extremely interested in bragging rights that his daughter caught a duke.”
“Don’t you dare,” she warned, pointing a finger at him. “Besides, we both know it would not matter. He could never claim me as his at this point. Think of the repercussions. Please, just stay out of my life.”
“It’s far too late for that, Sophie.”
She closed her eyes and swallowed down the emotions choking her. There was only one way to stop him, but she wondered if he would believe her threat. “If you go to Father, I shall tell everyone about your mother.”