Page 42 of One Night Scandal
He glanced about the room, his gaze landing on her for a brief moment. Thankfully, he continued to look around. His gaze finally landed on Miss Amanda Wainscott. The young woman stood next to her mother on the edge of the dance floor. Her face was flush with excitement but as Nicholas approached, she paled.
If only she could hear the conversation, Sophie thought. Amanda’s mother all but pushed her daughter into Nicholas’s arms. The young lady stared at the floor as they walked toward the dance floor. Guilt speared Sophie when she noticed Amanda gaze longingly at Lord Claybrook.
She would have to stop this madness. But, not yet. Instinctively, she knew Claybrook might need this to force his hand with Amanda. A little jealousy would not hurt their situation.
A stab of envy poked her when she watched Nicholas take Amanda to the dance floor. Sophie wished she could be in his arms, floating across the floor. But she couldn’t. He wasn’t the right man for her. If only she knew who the right man was.
She could not take her eyes off them as they glided with the music. Amanda finally smiled up at Nicholas as they made polite conversation. As the music slowed, he positioned them near the terrace door. Sophie’s hands fisted as she watched them walk out on the terrace alone.
How dare Nicholas do such a foolish thing!
Could he truly be that desperate to marry? She hadn’t felt his anguish when she discovered that his father wanted him to marry. He’d seemed resigned to the idea but not worried. She marched across the room and noticed Claybrook doing the same. Oh, God, she had to get to them
before Claybrook.
She reached the door and walked out into the cool April air. “Ancroft,” she whispered, strolling along the path. “Where are you?”
“What do you want?”
She peered around a hedge of roses and found them both on a bench. “Claybrook is coming.”
Amanda blushed and stood up quickly. “Thank you, Lord Ancroft. Your words were a tremendous help.” She ran from the scene.
Nicholas stood and stared down at her. Sophie could feel his fury emanating from him even though she was steps away. She forced her feet to step backward until he caught her arm and brought her close.
“Why did you follow me out here, Sophie?”
“Why were you out here alone with her?”
“What I do is none of your business. Besides, you told me she was the woman for me so why are you upset that I brought her out here?”
“Miss Wainscott is not the woman for you,” she whispered, staring at his brown eyes behind the mask. “And I am not upset!”
“You told me she was the perfect woman for me.” The grip on her arm tightened. “Were you lying to me?”
“No . . . yes . . . I didn’t mean to,” she admitted. She had to tell him the truth. “When I tried to ascertain the right woman, I didn’t see anyone. So I told you it was Miss Wainscott because I felt she might come to love you.”
“Why did you change your mind?”
“The other day Miss Wainscott came to me for a reading and it was clearly Lord Claybrook whom she should marry.”
He released an angry breath. “Then why didn’t you tell me days ago?”
She glanced away from him until he tipped her chin upward. “I had to be certain. I knew if I saw you dance together then I would know.”
“And now that you have?”
“Miss Wainscott belongs with Lord Claybrook,” she replied softly. “I’m sorry, Nicholas.”
“I didn’t need you or your sense or intuition or whatever you want to call it to come to the same conclusion. I realized it the moment I took her to the dance floor. That is why we came out here, to make him jealous.”
He released her and walked back to the stone bench. After sitting, he stared at the ground for a long moment and finally said, “So there is no one for me?”
Her heart went out to him. She understood his feeling of rejection and loneliness, and the wondering if there is anyone out there for him. The only time she hadn’t felt that way was with him.
“It may be too soon, Nicholas. Perhaps your perfect woman hasn’t entered your life yet. Maybe that is why I can’t see her yet.” Although, she knew it didn’t work that way. She had seen Kendal for Elizabeth before he returned to England. She just couldn’t determine his name then.
“Or maybe it just isn’t meant to be.” He stood and looked down at her. “And if that is the case, I will not bother you again. It doesn’t matter who I marry.”