Page 60 of One Night Scandal
This time, Sophie felt the scorching heat on her cheeks. “Perhaps,” she replied vaguely.
“If only it had been Nicholas,” Elizabeth said in a dreamy voice.
“You know, don’t you?” Sophie demanded and then looked at Avis. “Did you tell them?”
“Oh, my God! It was Nicholas?” Elizabeth exclaimed. “That is perfect! You will be my cousin by marriage. Our children will be related just like Avis and Jennette, a little more distant cousins, but still related.”
“I did not tell them,” Avis said, smiling over at Sophie. “You just did.”
“I already knew,” Victoria commented.
Jennette frowned. “How did you know?”
Sophie glared over at Victoria who only stared back with a frown. No one else knew they were related by marriage.
“I—I could just tell by how you were reacting,” Victoria lied.
“Hmm, I have known Nicholas forever and I didn’t see it.” Jennette picked up her tea and sipped it. “How did I miss it?”
“Perhaps you were preoccupied with other thoughts,” Sophie said in a testy tone.
Jennette tilted her head in confusion and then the realization dawned on her. Her mouth gaped open in surprise.
“He’s my cousin and I didn’t see it,” Elizabeth added. “So, did you do what you have always advised us to do?”
“What do you mean?” Sophie asked.
“Did you seduce the man?”
Chapter 14
Sophie glanced at Avis and Victoria who both nodded their heads to her. She had never withheld the truth from her friends, except for her father’s name. But she had never told anyone about that and they had always understood her reasons. Victoria had figured it out when she and Anthony became lovers.
“Yes,” she admitted, then stared at her blue silk skirts.
“And yet you didn’t know who he was?” Elizabeth asked.
“We were both speaking Italian. I had no idea he was even English.”
“But you let him into your bed?” Jennette said in an odd voice.
“Well, it was his bed, not mine.”
“Excuse me,” Jennette said as she walked across the room. She blinked quickly as if attempting to hide her tears. “I need a moment.”
“When did you meet him?” Elizabeth queried.
Finally, Sophie knew she had no choice but to tell her friends the entire story of how she and Nicholas had met. She’d never felt so embarrassed in her life. Admitting she’d had an affair with a man she just met was mad.
She had barely finished the story when the men returned from the dining room. Blackburn entered first and explained that Jennette was feeling unwell and he was taking her home. Sophie wondered if it was the pregnancy or the topic that made her ill.
Her breath caught as she glanced over at Nicholas. Why did the man have to look so handsome? She needed to remain angry with him for his betrayal, not gazing at him like a swooning adolescent. The men took seats near their wives or perched on the arm of their chair. Nicholas looked oddly uncomfortable. He finally took a seat across from her.
“So what were you ladies discussing before we entered?” Selby asked. “The latest fashion? Gossip?”
“Children, my dear,” Avis replied. Selby took her hand in his and squeezed it.
As Sophie glanced about, she noticed other loving endearments the couples made toward each other. Sometimes it was just a long look, or a little hand squeeze, or a gentle caress. She pressed her lips together and slid a glance toward Nicholas. His slight smile caused her heart to pound.