Page 75 of One Night Scandal
Witham’s beady eyes slid downward. “Yes, Your Grace.”
“Well speak up, man. When?”
“Two nights ago, my man followed him back to Miss Reynard’s home. Your son entered the house through an open window in the back of the house. He stayed until half past three.”
Damn that boy. He would never learn. “The Middletons’ ball is tonight. I will make certain Nicholas attends. You make sure your daughter is caught in a compromising position with him. If not, you may find my son’s interests lie elsewhere.”
“Yes, Your Grace. Justine will do everything in her power to entice him.”
“No, I want you to arrange this personally. Do not leave it up to your dim-witted daughter to attempt to entice him.”
“What do you want me to do?”
The duke sat back for a moment and then smiled. After explaining everything to Witham, he waved his hand in dismissal to the viscount. Now he just had to determine a reason why Nicholas had to attend that ball tonight. As Witham departed, he had his butler send a note to Nicholas.
Nicholas sat down and stared at his father. He had spoken with his father’s physician several days ago and understood that consumption was slowly killing him. If he was a better person he would feel some pity for the man. But after a childhood filled with nothing but scorn, Nicholas felt numb toward him.
“I need you to do me a favor,” the old duke then coughed.
The hair on Nicholas’s neck stood up. “What favor?”
“It has nothing to do with marriage, Nicholas.” His father handed him a sealed note. “I would like this personally delivered to Lord Middleton this evening at his ball.”
“Why tonight?”
“Because Middleton is busy this afternoon and he needs to see it before tomorrow. If I leave this up to a footman, Middleton won’t get it in time. It’s about an investment we both have. He needs to act on it tomorrow morning or it will be too late and he will lose money. You will need to wait for a reply.”
Nicholas studied his father. Consumption had taken its toll on the duke. His father had always been a tall, strong man, but now, he appeared feeble. A cane hooked onto the corner of his desk.
“Will you do it?” he asked.
“Of course, Father.” Nicholas couldn’t remember the last time he’d called the old duke that. After tucking the note into his jacket, he rose. “I take it that is all?”
“No, sit down, Nicholas. There is one more thing I would like to discuss with you.”
“Oh?” Nicholas sat back down and waited.
“I have heard a rumor that you are getting far too close with this Miss Reynard. Some people say she is a matchmaker and if that is the only reason you are in her company, then I approve, as long as her match is someone on my list. However, if there is more to this, you had best realize keeping a mistress after you marry requires discretion.”
Nicholas shot to his feet. “What I do and with whom is my business, sir.”
“True, as long as you do not care about the money you might lose.”
Nicholas smiled slightly. “And
if I don’t?”
“Then expect a hard first few years as duke. The estates have been bringing in far less income the past few years. You will need every pound just to maintain them. I promise you won’t get a penny from me.”
“You will do what you think is necessary, Father. And I will do what I think is right.” If only his father knew just how useless his threats really were. Nicholas rose and walked out of the room before his father could stop him.
“Miss Littlebury, this is indeed a surprise,” Sophie said, entering her study. “I thought you believed I was a charlatan.”
A splotchy red blush tinged the woman’s cheeks. “My friend Miss Hall said you were correct about her match.”
Miss Hall? Sophie thought back to her many clients over the past few years but could not remember one by that name. There had been a few ladies who had tried to deceive her by using a false name. “Is she married now?”
“No, but she expects a proposal this Season.”