Page 78 of One Night Scandal
He looked over at Sophie and almost felt sorry for her. His daughter was a chatterbox who never knew when to stop. But when he glanced over at Sophie, all he noticed was amusement shining in her gray eyes. “Emma, I do believe you are supposed to be in bed reading now.”
“Yes, Papa.” She turned and gave Sophie a hug. “Thank you for braiding my hair, Miss Sophie.”
“You are welcome, Emma,” Sophie murmured.
Emma kissed him and then skipped out of the room, leaving an empty silence in the room.
Nicholas finally cleared his throat. “Now, to what do I owe this honor, Miss Reynard?”
“May we speak in private?” she asked, glancing at the door.
“Of course.” Nicholas rose and shut the door. “Is there something you need to tell me?”
Her face drew into a mass of confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Just tell me why you are here, Sophie.” He returned to his seat but wanted to take the spot on the sofa Emma had deserted.
“Are you going out tonight?”
Nicholas frowned and shook his head. “You risked your reputation to come over here and ask me if I was attending a ball. Why?”
“Because you should not go anywhere tonight.”
“Sophie, did you have a vision in which something happened to me?” He understood that she believed in her visions completely, but he still had reservations.
She grimaced. “Not quite a vision.”
“Then what?” he demanded. He glanced over at the clock on the fireplace mantel. It was already after eight. He’d planned on getting there early so he could deliver the missive and leave. Now it looked as if that would not happen.
“I’ve had a dreadful feeling ever since Miss Littlebury came to see me this afternoon.” She stared over at him intensely. “This feeling has something to do with you and her and this ball tonight.”
He barely knew Miss Littlebury, although he’d noticed her name on the top of his father’s list. Perhaps Sophie had learned about the list and was trying to stop him from marrying Miss Littlebury. “Sophie, I am only going to the Middleton ball to deliver a note to Lord Middleton for my father.”
“Don’t go, Nicholas,” she pleaded. “I know something horrible will happen to you if you attend this ball.”
Nicholas leaned his head back against the chair and looked up at the white coffered ceiling. “I must,” he whispered. “I made a promise to my father.”
Sophie leaned forward. “Please trust me, Nicholas. I have a feeling that this will ruin your life forever. Can you not deliver the note tomorrow?”
“No. It must be done tonight.”
“I could go with you,” she mumbled, staring at her hands.
“If you do, your reputation will be in tatters. You will lose your clients because they will all believe we have been lovers.”
“If it protects you, I won’t care.”
“I will not let you do that.”
Sophie knew she had to do something to keep him from leaving this house. Since her words couldn’t convince him, perhaps there was another way. Slowly, she rose and walked toward him.
“What are you doing?” he asked with a smile.
Remembering how they’d made love on the chair in her study, she straddled his hips before he could move. “I just want to kiss you, Nicholas.”
“No, you just want to keep me from going to the ball tonight.”
She brought her lips down on his hard mouth and kissed him soundly. Finally gaining a slight response, she deepened the kiss and brushed her tongue across his. With a groan, he brought her closer. While she had started this game, he quickly took control.