Page 97 of One Night Scandal
It had been a week since he saw Sophie and he missed her terribly. He’d hoped by now Justine would have had a misstep and he would be free of her. So far she has been circumspect.
“Nicholas, there you are.”
He turned and smiled at Jennette and her husband. “How are you both?”
“Very good,” Jennette replied and then pulled him to a private spot. “Have you seen Sophie?”
“Not in a week. Why?” A sense of foreboding sliced through him.
“No one has heard from her.”
“What about Somerton?”
Jennette shrugged. “Victoria said he had to help someone with a problem and he hasn’t been home.”
Nicholas knew Somerton used to work for a secret agency for the regent. But that was supposed to be in his past now that he’d married. Perhaps they needed his assistance one last time. “Have you called on her?”
“No. I planned to tomorrow.” Jennette grimaced. “I think something is wrong.”
“I wish I knew.”
“I’m quite certain she won’t accept my call,” he said, th
en leaned in closer to Jennette. “But please let me know that she is all right after you talk to her.”
Jennette smiled at him. “I shall do that.”
Nicholas returned to watching his betrothed, only she seemed to be missing. He scanned the room but didn’t find her anywhere. Perhaps she wandered to the ladies’ retiring room. He waited a few minutes before searching out her parents.
“Exactly where is your daughter, Lord Witham?”
Lady Witham’s pale eyes grew large. “What do you mean? She was on the dance floor with Mr. Heston.”
“Yes, she was. Now she is gone,” Nicholas replied. “Perhaps you should check the ladies’ retiring room, Lady Witham.”
She nodded nervously. “I shall at that.”
While Lady Witham left, Nicholas scanned the room. He finally spied her sneaking back into the ballroom from the terrace. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair slightly messed. As she noticed their stare, her cheeks reddened. She looked far more like a woman who had just returned from a liaison than one out for a breath of air.
“I will speak with her, my lord,” Witham said quickly and walked away.
“Do that.”
Nicholas continued to watch the terrace doors to see which man walked in alone. After fifteen minutes of waiting, he noticed Mr. Heston strolling through the doors as if nothing illicit might have happened outside. Nicholas knew better than to assume something had happened. But now he knew Miss Littlebury needed to be watched at all times.
Sophie placed her valise on the bed and turned toward her brother. She would never have been able to make this journey without him. He insisted on driving her to Portsmouth where the ship would depart instead of taking a mail coach.
“Thank you, Anthony.”
He quickly brought her into his arms and held her tight. “I am going to miss you.”
“Please promise me that you won’t say a word to anyone.”
He moved away from her, his size overpowering the small cabin. “How am I supposed to do that? Especially with Victoria?”
“Just don’t tell anyone my exact location. Hendricks is sending a footman out with notes for everyone tomorrow, but I did not let them know where I planned to go. Once I am settled, I shall write and tell them where I am. I just hope they understand why I couldn’t see them before I left.”