Page 29 of Enticing the Earl
She couldn’t think about these things. After dining alone last night, she had made a decision. She would return to the spot where she found the gold and dig again. Only this time, if she found more items, she would give them to Simon to assist with his finances. The question still left was how to do it. The servants were always about, so trying to leave without their notice would be impossible. If she left, they would immediately tell Simon and he would follow her.
If he discovered what she’d found, he might realize that she had taken some of the gold before and had given it to the tenants. He would be furious with her for stealing what belonged to him even if she’d thought the tenants needed the money more than he did. She now knew that wasn’t true. The Earl of Hartsfield needed the funds far more than the tenants who lived off his lands and some off his charity.
Slowly, she stood up and walked to the mirror over the bureau. The bruises were fading quickly now and several had disappeared. She stretched her arms carefully over her head and noticed that her ribs didn’t ache. With slow movements, she brought her arms downward toward her toes until she reached her feet.
“Finally!” she exclaimed.
At least now, she could tie her boots so no servants would have to help her. She rang for a maid to assist her with her dress and thought more about how to get out of the house without anyone seeing her. If only she could talk to Selina about it. Her friend had sneaked around the duke’s house for nearly a month unnoticed by him. But there she had the duke’s servants to help her.
Mia had no one here. Everyone would believe it to be in the earl’s best interest to know what she was about. There had to be a way. Spying a lantern her mother had left, she had an idea. Once the house was quiet tonight, she would make her way to Mrs. Perkins’s cottage and start digging. The old woman was nearly blind and deaf so she would never know Mia was outside.
This would work.
Then she could repay her debt to Simon and help him with his money issues.
Once she was dressed, she walked to the morning room for breakfast. S
he had to admit, she was becoming increasingly spoiled by living here. At home, she would have been up two hours ago to start the fire and cook breakfast. Then it would have been a day of checking on the tenants until it was time to help her mother with dinner, assuming her mother wasn’t busy with a patient.
“Good morning, Miss Featherstone,” Simon said as she entered the sunlit breakfast room.
“Good morning, my lord.” While in the servants’ company, they always reverted to their formal manners. Mia did not want the servants to know about his proposal.
“Are you feeling well this morning?” he asked as she sat across from him at the table.
“Much better today, thank you.”
“Are you certain?”
Why was the man questioning her health so intently? “Yes, my bruises are fading and my ribs are starting to feel better too. I might even be able to touch my toes soon.”
“Excellent. No other complaints?”
Oh, something was definitely going on here. “No, why?”
He smiled at her. “I am only concerned about the welfare of my tenants.”
No, he was not. Could he be wondering if she’d had her monthlies yet but not be willing to ask outright? Well, if he did ask, she would have to tell him the truth. But until she knew for certain, she wouldn’t say a word to anyone.
“Will we be throwing today?” she asked, to get the conversation off her well-being.
“If you are up to it.”
“I am.” Robert placed a large plate of coddled eggs, ham, and toast in front of her. “Thank you, Robert.”
“Excellent. Now that my books are in order, we can start as soon as we finish breakfast.” Simon took a sip of his tea and then smiled at her.
She could have sworn the man was hiding something from her. But what? “Have you heard anything from Mr. Tanner yet?”
“I expect him back here on Friday. He sent a letter yesterday saying he had found something but would not go into details in case someone intercepted the letter.”
“I see.”
“Miss Featherstone, before we go outside for our throwing lesson, would you join me in my study?”
Mia eyed him suspiciously. “Of course, just let me finish.”
“Join me when you can.” He scraped back the chair and walked away without another word.