Page 3 of Enticing the Earl
No more than I am. “Not at you,” Simon whispered. “Only at whoever did this to you.”
She nodded slowly and closed her eyes again.
Simon grabbed a cloth and poured water from the pitcher on it. He sat on the edge of the bed and gently cleaned the dirt off her oval face. What kind of trouble had Mia gotten herself in to? And who the hell was that man? Simon had been too far away to recognize him. None of his tenants would wish to harm Mia. She was the healer’s daughter and a wise woman like her mother. Everything she did was laced in kindness.
After looking at her eye, he strode to the door and shouted for a footman. “Is there ice left in the icehouse?”
“I am not certain, my lord,” Robert said slowly.
Simon raised one brow at the man without saying a word.
“But I will check with Cook and bring some to you if there is any left.”
“Crush the ice. Thank you, Robert.”
Simon walked back into the room and sat back down on the bed. He turned at the sound of the door opening. Expecting to see Mrs. Featherstone, he was surprised to find his mother standing at the threshold in her traveling costume. “Are you leaving now?”
“Perhaps,” she answered slowly. She approached the bed and stared down at Mia. “What happened?”
“I don’t know yet. Someone beat her.”
“Should I stay?” she asked hesitantly. For a woman with four children, his mother had never been comfortable with the sick or injured.
“There is nothing you can do. Her mother is on the way and will care for her. You should head down to Suffolk and visit Caroline and Richard as planned.” And give him some blessed peace.
She worried her lip. “But if she is staying in the house, then I should remain to chaperone.”
Simon shook his head. “Mother, she needs a healer, not a chaperone. Mrs. Featherstone will stay with her daughter until she can be moved to their cottage. Go visit Caroline.”
“As you wish. But I will expect you in Suffolk by the end of September. You cannot ignore your sister’s country party, no matter how much you would like to.”
She was bringing up this topic now? “Can we speak of this at another time? Miss Featherstone is badly injured.”
“I see that but nothing can be done until her mother arrives. I will hear nothing more on either subject. You will be in Suffolk by the end of September,” his mother huffed.
He returned his attention back to Miss Featherstone and washed her hand. “How many people will be there?”
“I am not certain. Most likely no more than fifty.”
Fifty people. Nothing could drag him to that party. Thankfully, his sister would understand. “I will do my best to remember the party, Mother.”
“Do more than that. Make certain you attend.”
As she walked out, Mrs. Featherstone blustered into the room. “What happened to my daughter, my lord?”
He explained what he had seen. “Do you know the man?”
“Foolish girl. She only told me that she was visiting a friend in the village. I should have known she had no friends there. The new duchess is her only real friend and I wonder how long that friendship will last now that she’s part of the quality.”
The new Duchess of Northrop could hardly be called a member of the quality. A wise woman like both Mrs. Featherstone and her twin daughters, most people considered Selina far beneath the likes of the duke. Simon tended to disagree. He knew that she was a kind woman who had reached through the darkness in Colin’s soul and brought him back to life. For saving his friend, Simon owed Selina everything.
Mrs. Featherstone set to work on her daughter. “My lord, please ask Mrs. Alder to come up and assist me.”
“I would be happy to help you.”
She turned her head and stared at him with those intense blue eyes. “Thank you, my lord, but I would prefer another woman assist me with my daughter.” She softened her voice. “I will let you know how she is once I have attended to her.”
He nodded sharply, knowing he had no rights where Mia was concerned. “I will get Mrs. Alder.”