Page 41 of Enticing the Earl
It was time to tell Simon the truth.
Chapter 12
What the bloody hell was she hiding from him? Simon watched her walk away with her head held high but he knew something was amiss. The dirt on her face was the first giveaway. The fact that she had no idea what the book was on the table in the library another. Tanner’s accusations that she might be involved with Davies tumbled back into his mind.
He didn’t want to think about the fact that Tanner might be right. What other excuse was there for her to be out of the house without an escort when no one knew where Davies was living? If he confronted her, she most likely would lie to him again. He supposed it might be time to have her watched day and night.
More than anything, he hated that she lied to him. It meant she didn’t trust him. And that hurt more than he wanted to admit, even to himself.
“My lord,” Robert rushed into the study. “Mr. Henderson is here and says it is imperative that he speak with you.”
What was this about? “Send him in.”
Mr. Henderson walked in and bowed. “My lord, please excuse my callin’ on you at this hour.”
“What is it?”
“I was headin’ back home after bringin’ some goods into the village and thought to stop by Mrs. Perkins’s house to check in on her. My wife insists I do this every time I go past the old woman’s house.” He took a breath in but seemed to hesitate.
“My lord, I saw him.”
“That man yer looking for. Right in her backyard. Digging up the ground as if he had something to bury.”
“Davies was here on my land?” Simon rose to his feet. Fury raced through him.
“When I got near, he ran off. But I also saw a woman runnin’ the other way. I don’t know who it was, but she was runnin’ like the devil himself was after her.”
“Dammit!” he swore and then reached for the brandy. He poured a large glass for both of them. “Thank you for letting me know this, Mr. Henderson.” He handed a snifter to the man.
“Anythin’ for you, my lord. You’re a fine young man and your father would be proud of you.”
His father would be anything but proud of him. “Thank you.” Simon tilted his head back and drained his glass. He’d be damned if he’d let this rest until morning. Mia had to explain her actions. Now.
“Good evenin’, my lord,” Mr. Henderson said and then bowed to him again.
Fury ignited him. He’d be damned if he let that little liar manipulate him or his emotions any longer. He rose from his seat ready to confront her tonight. He didn’t care if it was eleven at night. He didn’t care if he woke her from a deep sleep. Tonight, he would get the answers he needed.
Before he reached the door, Mia ra
ced into the room. The minute she saw him, she threw herself into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Simon’s muscles stiffened.
“I’m so sorry, Simon,” she cried into his shoulder. “I should have told you before but I was so frightened of what you might do. But I can’t live with this guilt any longer and after seeing him tonight, I know you have to hear what I say. Even if you have me hanged, I don’t care.”
Simon’s fists clenched. She was in this affair with Davies. Simon wondered if she loved the monster or maybe the beating she endured was only for show. So she could wiggle her way into his house.
He pushed her away from him and stared at her wet brown eyes. A part of him didn’t want to believe she’d had a role in Davies’s plan. But the truth was staring back at him.
“Simon, please let me explain,” she implored.
“Explain what? The fact that you were with Davies tonight?”
Her mouth gaped. “You knew about that?”
“Isn’t that why you are here? Mr. Henderson just left.”