Page 56 of Enticing the Earl
Simon held out his arm to escort Mia into the dining room. A shock of awareness skipped up his arm with the light contact. Dear God, waiting a few more days to have her again was going to kill him. And now his brother would be in the house disrupting Simon’s plan to become even more acquainted with the woman who would be his wife.
“You appear quite happy to have Charlie here,” he commented as they walked down the hall.
“I am. I haven’t seen him in over a year. When he was a child, he used to escape the house and come over to spend time with Tia and me. We were all the same age so it was quite fun to have someone else to play with.”
“Of course,” he said stiffly. Why did this bother him? He should be happy that at least one member of his family liked the idea of his marrying Mia. Perhaps it was the lecherous manner in which Charlie looked at her.
Throughout dinner, Charlie spoke of London and the ton. Simon had to admit a part of him missed the social events. Not that anyone wanted him there. But marriage to Mia would help that situation. Marriage to anyone would help at this point.
“So, Mia,” Charlie drawled, “What made you decide to accept my brother’s suit?”
Please don’t tell him the truth.
“Charlie, isn’t it quite obvious?” she replied before moving her gaze to Simon. She smiled sweetly at him.
Simon sucked in a breath.
“Perhaps it is,” Charlie said with a smile. “I would just love to hear about how you fell in love with Simon. And why it took you so long to do so? I have a feeling it has something to do with the slight bruise near your beautiful eye.”
“Your brother saved my life,” she said. “How could a woman not fall in love with a man who would do that?”
“Oh, I definitely need to hear this story.”
Simon watched the interaction between them and wondered if there was more to their relationship than just friendship. He shook his head. She had been honest about her past lovers and Charlie was not one of them.
Mia told his brother about the beating she’d received from Davies and how Simon had found her and brought her back here. “As I recuperated, I realized just what a wonderful man your brother is, Charlie.”
Charlie’s face went pallid. He frowned and turned to Simon. “Have you found this Davies man yet?”
Simon explained everything to him regarding Davies possibly being Lambert in disguise. “Now that you are here too, you should not leave without being armed.”
Mia’s mouth dropped. “You think he might be at risk too?”
“We have no way of telling, Mia. Mr. Tanner believes Lambert is out for revenge. The situation doesn’t warrant the reaction Lambert is having, which means he might not be mentally competent.”
“We must find him then,” Charlie stated vehemently.
“I have several runners working on that very thing.” Not to mention he had footmen watching Mrs. Perkins’s cottage every day until Davies or Lambert was caught.
“I will assist you.”
“Thank you,” Simon said, scraping back his chair.
“I believe I will bid you both a good night,” Mia said as she rose. “It has been a long day.”
“Of course.” Simon walked her to the bottom step. “Good night, darling.” He kissed the top of her hand when all he really wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and kiss her properly.
Mia walked up the stairs and smiled down at him one last time. Simon then moved to his study where Charlie waited for him with a brandy.
“Thank you,” Simon said as he took the glass from his brother’s outstretched hand.
“So what is really going on here?” Charlie slumped into a chair and stared at Simon.
“I wish I knew.” Simon released a long breath. “There is far more that Mia didn’t tell you.” Simon explained the financial situation to his brother but not before getting a promise not to speak of it to anyone else in the family. “I’m not worried about James. He has a steady income from the parish. Caroline has Richard who is in a good position. Mother is aware of the situation. She believes my best bet is finding a wealthy bride.”
Charlie nodded in understanding. “So if you are in a position that you need money, why are you marrying Mia?”
“You know why.”