Page 77 of Enticing the Earl
Her face paled slightly in the dim light. Once in the library, Simon closed the door. “What were you thinking attacking my wife like that in front of all those people? Do you have any idea of how terrified she was to meet everyone tonight? Explain yourself.”
Putting his mother on the defense softened her attitude... slightly. “Simon, you took me by surprise. I was shocked that you would think to marry someone so far below your station in life.”
“Mother, I love her.”
“I know that.”
“You do?”
His mother laughed. “Of course, I do. It’s been evident to anyone who has ever seen you speak with her. You can’t take your eyes off her the moment she walks in the room.” She sighed and sat in a wingback chair. “But it doesn’t change the fact that she can’t help you with your financial difficulties. A wealthy wife would have put your monetary situation to rights.”
“Actually, Mia is extremely well versed with finances. She looked over my books and found errors that I had made.” He glanced away from his mother’s prying stare. “She understands my difficulties with numbers.”
“But you could have married a wealthy woman and kept—”
“Do not say I could have kept Mia as my mistress,” he warned with a glare. “I never would have disrespected my wife or Mia with such an arrangement.”
“I know, you have too much of your father in you for that.” His mother shook her head. “This is such a disaster,” she bemoaned.
“I am working with Mia to solve my money issues. Would it have been easier to fix it if I had married a woman of means? Yes.
But it is too late for that.”
“Simon, she has made no secret of the fact that she has had lovers.”
“I know that, Mother. I am the one who rescued her from the last one. But I also know that she will be faithful.”
Her blue eyes widened. “Did she seduce you and tell you she was with child?”
“No, Mother. In fact, she wouldn’t give me an answer to my proposal until after her monthlies had arrived. She was not about to saddle me with another man’s child.”
“Oh.” She sank into a wingback chair with a sigh.
“She is a wonderful woman who helped save your life. Why are you so against this marriage?”
“I only want what’s best for you, son. I just don’t believe Mia Featherstone is that woman.”
“She is the Countess of Hartsfield now. I expect you to treat her with as much respect as you would any woman of the ton I might have married.”
She sighed deeply. “As you wish. I will try.”
“That’s all I can ask for. I believe we should get back to the salon.”
They walked back in silence. As much as his mother had said she would try, Simon knew there would be strain between them for some time. Perhaps when Mia produced his heir, then his mother would be happy with his choice in wife.
As he reentered the room, Simon almost laughed. His grandmother sat next to Mia and made sure she was included in the conversations. He scanned the room and noticed James standing near a window glancing outside.
He walked over to his brother. “James, it has been far too long. How did you manage to get away?”
“I was overdue for a short holiday so I thought I would come up for a few days. I never expected this commotion, though.”
“Neither did I.”
“Why Mia, Simon?”
“Why not Mia, James?” God, he was getting tired of this line of questioning.
“No need to get defensive with me. I only want to know if you love her.”