Page 80 of Enticing the Earl
Chapter 21
With no guests arriving until tomorrow, the gentlemen decided to hunt, leaving the women to do whatever they did all day long. Mia had no idea what women of means did during the day. At home, she would have been busy
from sunrise until she retired. In Society, women seem to do nothing but gossip and needlepoint. Neither were of any interest to Mia.
Mia wandered the house, searching for the library so at least she could read. When she finally arrived via the maze of marble corridors, she scanned the shelves for something of interest. She found The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pirates. She didn’t think she’d ever seen such a long title on a book.
With a shrug, she curled up into a chair to read the book and hoped it lived up to its title. Before long, the book took her away from this stifling room. Away from the polite conversations about nothing. And away from feeling completely out of place.
Until whispered voices from the room next door became shouts.
“You must accept her, Mother.” Caroline’s voice raised an octave. “She is Simon’s wife now. She will be the mother of his children.”
“Your brother is not financially sound. He needed a wealthy wife to assist him in rebuilding his life. She has nothing. She is nothing. What respectful woman has been with several men before she even married? She will never remain faithful to him. God only knows if she will deliver Simon’s child or some other man’s.”
“You must do it for him!” Caroline said. “She might not have been my first choice for Simon but at least he has finally wed.”
“You can accept her if you wish, but I will not.”
Caroline must have realized their voices were becoming too loud because she reverted to whispers.
Unable to hear any more, Mia stared at the book on her lap. Tears blurred the words until she saw nothing. Perhaps it would be best for all involved if she just returned to the estate and assisted her mother with healing the sick. She would still be Simon’s wife but he could attend functions without her. From what she’d heard, this was not such an unusual arrangement amongst the ton.
She wiped away her tears of self-pity. Simon would have to realize that these people would never accept her and not appearing with him was for the best. For both of them. He would not be embarrassed by her and she would not have to suffer through the whispered gossip about her.
“There you are.” Caroline’s voice sounded cheerful as she walked into the library. As if noting Mia’s position close to the study and red eyes, Caroline’s cheeks flushed. “We are all in the salon and want you to join us.”
She and Caroline had known each other for years. There was no reason to dance around the truth. “Caroline, you do not need to lie to me,” Mia said softly. “I couldn’t help but overhear you and your mother arguing.”
Caroline’s shoulders sagged as she walked closer. She sank into the chair next to Mia. “I must apologize for my comments and my mother’s. You must realize this was a huge surprise to us both. I will admit, I had hoped for a match between him and a friend of mine.”
“I had no idea he had an interest in another woman,” Mia said slowly.
“He didn’t, but I was hopeful he would once he met her.”
“I thought he and Anna would enjoy each other’s company. But instead, I shall introduce her to James.” Caroline tilted her head slightly. “He might be a better match for her anyway. James is much more subdued than Simon.”
“How so?” Mia had never seen Simon that upset. A few times he’d lost his temper but nothing serious.
“James is just a very calm person... which is why he is good with his parishioners.”
“Of course.” Mia stared down at the book on her lap again. “Caroline, do you think I will ever come to be accepted?”
“Yes,” Caroline said enthusiastically. “The family will need time to come to terms with the sudden marriage.” She leaned closer to Mia’s chair. “You’re not with child, are you?”
Mia laughed softly. “No, definitely not unless it’s happened in the past week.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“It would be wonderful if our children were close in age. I don’t see James getting married for a while and who knows if Charlie ever will.”
“Yes, well Charlie still has his charm. I’m sure someone will catch his eye before too long.” Mia noted the page she was on and closed the book. “Now, what is happening in the salon this afternoon?”
Caroline stood up quickly. “I almost forgot. My sister-in-law, Susan, is going to play for us. She is quite accomplished at the pianoforte.”