Page 85 of Enticing the Earl
“We need to introduce you to everyone,” Caroline said with a gentle smile to Mia.
Everyone greeted both Simon and Mia with a cold politeness that chilled the room. As she watched, Mia noticed there was a wariness in people’s eyes as they spoke to Simon. She wondered why. Perhaps it was due to his unwillingness to socialize with his equals. She couldn’t think of any other reason for their reticence.
If Simon took notice of their attitudes, he must have ignored it. As soon as the introductions were finished, he walked to Richard and started a conversation with him, leaving Mia to wander the room.
One young woman took pity on her and said, “Countess, come sit with me.”
Mia stared at the pretty blonde trying to remember the woman’s name. “Thank you...”
She laughed softly. “Miss Evelyn Layton. It must be difficult to remember everyone’s name, my lady.”
Mia felt a hint of unease skitter up her back as she sat on the sofa next to the woman. “Please call me Mia.”
“Mia, what an interesting name,” Evelyn said. “Very different.”
“My father was fascinated with Greek mythology. I was born in the fall so he named me Demia after the goddess of the harvest.”
“Fascinating,” Evelyn said as she sipped her sherry. “How is it that we haven’t met before now? I have been out for three Seasons now.”
Ahh, the real reason for the conversation—discover where this commoner came from. “I live in the Midlands. My family doesn’t socialize in town.”
“Of course.” She placed her glass down on the table. “So how did you meet the earl?”
“I have known his family for years. Since I was a little girl.” Mia sipped her sherry and plotted her story. “I never expected he would be interested in me, but I believe he was tired of the women he met in town.”
Evelyn’s cheeks flushed. “Indeed. So that explains his long absence from Society. He was courting you.”
“Not the entire time,” Mia said with a laugh.
“If it wasn’t you keeping him from London, then it truly must have been... well... the incident.”
The incident! What incident? She couldn’t ask Evelyn what she meant, so she would have to wait to speak with Simon. Since he hadn’t thought to mention any incidents, Mia was sure, he didn’t wish to speak of it. Oh, but she wanted to know. “Well, that was a long time ago. Hart does love the country, which is why he spends so much time at the estate.”
“I suppose he does. Although, personally, I would find it tiresome. London has everything.”
“True, but some people enjoy a quieter life.”
“Yes. You will come down for the Season, though? You truly must meet everyone.”
Mia shivered at the idea of meeting more people like Evelyn. There was something unsettling about her. “It will depend on his lordship. If he wishes to attend, then we will.”
Evelyn tilted her head. “Oh, dear. You really have so much to learn about marriage. You must tell him that you will attend the Season with or without him.”
Mia almost laughed aloud at this young woman. Mia had no idea how to comport herself in the company of the ton, and most certainly couldn’t do it without Simon there to assist her. Nor did she even care about attending the Season. Although, the gowns were rather lovely. “As I said, Miss Layton, Hart will decide if we shall attend.”
“Not surprising that he would be so heavy-handed,” she muttered into her glass.
Simon was far from heavy-handed. Mia itched to learn what Evelyn kept implying. Perhaps Selina might know. Mia was certain that Evelyn was dying to tell her all about it and Mia wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction. “Hart is a wonderful husband.”
“As long as you’re happy and safe, that’s all that matters,” Evelyn said before excusing herself.
Happy and safe? What the bloody hell was going on here? Did Evelyn know something about what had happened to her at Lambert’s hands? Could someone already have learned her true identity and background? Mia knew it would come out at some point, but she couldn’t admit the truth to that woman.
Simon glanced down the long table and stared at his wife. She had sent him a few odd looks. He longed to speak with her to discover what was on her mind. He could only imagine what some of these ladies might have said to her. Did she already know the truth and hate him for it?
While he wanted to talk to her, he had a greater desire to get away from all these people. The woman next to him, Lady Ainsworth, had inched her chair closer to Lord Ratbourne who usually stunk of body odor and brandy. She had not spoken directly to Simon since being seated.
Nothing like a cut direct to make for a wonderful dinner. He’d known it would be difficult to reenter Society after a five-year absence, but now he wondered if staying away had only fueled the rumors. Would it have been better to stay and fight the rumors?