Page 87 of Enticing the Earl
“Of course.”
“My, you have a fierce look on your face so early in the morning. Did you and Hart have a fight?”
“A fight? I barely saw the man last night. I was asleep when he came to bed and he left before I had even awakened.”
“The men went hunting.” Selina laughed and sat down in a chair. “But that does explain the look.”
“Not quite. I just remembered something from last night and made a terrible connection.” She told Selina about the remark concerning Middleton’s new mistress. “He is supposed to be finding her, not—”
“Mia, calm down. I am quite certain there are plenty of women with red hair in London. You have no reason to believe he is involved with Tia. He told Colin he hadn’t seen her and that was only a fortnight ago.”
“He could have found her in that time and taken her to his bed.”
“Give Tia more credit than to fall into Middleton’s bed. She left the estate to chase after his brother, not him.” Selina yawned. “I asked for two trays to be brought up here. I hope you don’t mind but I am ravenous.”
“Didn’t you eat dinner last night?”
“I wasn’t very hungry after the drive. My stomach was upset.”
She had never known Selina to have any issues traveling before. Not that her friend did much traveling until she married the duke. Mia frowned. “Are you well now?”
Selina gave her a little smile and nodded. “I’m with child.”
Mia gave her friend a hug. “I’m so happy for you.” She pulled back. “You are happy, aren’t you? I know you haven’t been married long but still... a baby,” she said wistfully.
“Colin and I are both very happy.”
“Isn’t he concerned?” The duke had lost his wife and son in childbirth years ago and Mia wondered how he would handle the fact that Selina was with child.
“I know he is but he is trying not to show it.”
“My mother and I will be there for you when the time comes,” Mia said.
“Of course you will,” Selina said with a laugh. “Just as I will be there to help you when it’s your time.”
“If my mother lets you in.”
“She knows that I can be just as stubborn as she can. I will be there.”
Lucy arrived with two footmen trailing behind her with trays of food and tea. After Lucy assisted Mia with her morning gown, she left the women to the privacy once more. Without being able to speak to Simon about his past, Mia opted for Selina. Perhaps her friend knew something.
“Selina, what do you know of Hart’s past?” she asked before taking a bite of toast.
“What do you mean?”
“I need to know why he refused to attend the London Season for the past five years. One of the women at the party implied there was an incident.”
Selina sipped her tea with a frown. “I haven’t heard of anything. Colin holds him in the highest of regards. I doubt the ‘incident’ could be much of anything or my husband would not befriend him.”
Good point. Except a duke could befriend anyone he wanted and no one would say a word, at least to his face. “Selina, the woman acted as if it was serious and that my health might be at risk.”
“That is madness. You know Hart. He has never hurt you in any way. That woman was goading you. If I had to guess, I would say she is jealous.”
Mia leaned back against her chair with a sigh. “You are probably right. Hart has never shown me anything but kindness so I am worrying over something a petty woman said. Thank you, Selina.”
Her friend smiled. “That is why I insisted we attend, no matter how much the drive made me sick.”
“I’m sorry,” Mia said. “Did you try the peppermint tea?”