Page 30 of The Valentine Inn
The drive home was another story. I could deal with Drake hating me, but the thought of Jameson hating me was too much. He was a part of me. The best part of me. If the best part of me actually hated me, where did that leave me?
I blankly stared at the windshield wipers going back and forth, back and forth at each stoplight, contemplating the horrid possibility that Jameson would think less of me. Or that he could end up loving Drake more than me. I mean, the man was rich and famous. We’re talking mansions around the world, pools, sports cars, an indoor basketball court, and who knew what else. How was I going to compete with that?
Why did Drake have to reappear in my life? I knew George would say, “Because it was written in the stars.” All these years George had been adamant Drake would return. That the inn would call to him too. He’d said it was no accident that we had been stuck there. He truly believed in the inn’s magic, but that it only worked for true soul mates, which he believed Drake and me to be. Once upon a time, I believed that too. But we’d made our choices. And now I had to own my very foolish one of keeping the truth from my son and his father.
I parked in the small lot on the side of the inn nearest the “church.” I felt like I needed a priest to help soothe my troubled soul. Maybe we should keep one on staff—you know, for emergency purposes. I would bring it up with Izzy, who was probably about ready to throttle me for leaving her there with Drake. Not like she needed to entertain him. Although she probably wouldn’t mind keeping Martez company.
I stood outside my beloved inn and let the snow land on my cheeks while I shivered in the cold. I took in the majesty of the old place. There truly was something magical about it. Sometimes I swore I could see stardust floating in the air around it. I knew how silly it sounded, but honestly, the place twinkled, even when it wasn’t covered in snow like it was now. Love lived in every brick and stone that it was built from. I don’t know how I knew that, but it was obvious. George would say it was a place where love comes to stay. I wasn’t so sure about that.
I trudged inside, the snow muffling the sound of my footfalls. I had learned the snow acted as an insulator, making for quiet days and nights. That is, when we didn’t have a dozen subcontractors working on the old place. Which reminded me, I needed to tell Drake to stay hidden when the carpenter came later today to put the finishing touches on the check-in area and the office. I wondered how Drake felt about scraping popcorn ceilings or painting. My guess was that would be a no for him.
Whenever I crossed the threshold of the inn, it always felt as if I were entering a different world. Where anything was possible and dreams could come true. Or . . . maybe nightmares. Drake sat in the parlor waiting for me. My heart skipped a thousand beats. Not only did his presence startle me, but there was no denying he did things to me—like my soul came alive and everything around suddenly looked as if I had added a vibrant filter to it on my phone.
I ripped the beanie off my head. “What are you doing?” I asked breathily.
“Waiting for you.” He stood. Man, was he tall. We are talking six three and all lean muscle.
“I have work.” I sounded like a cavewoman.
“We can talk while you work.” He obviously wasn’t going to let this go.
“Okay,” I squeaked, before ripping off my white puffy jacket, that made me look like the Michelin Man, and hanging it on the coatrack near the door. Next came my furry boots and gloves. If ever Drake had been attracted to me, I was doing my best to negate that. I probably should get a better wardrobe. Except it all kind of went with my I’m-never-dating-again persona. Although, I was wearing my most form-fitting overalls and a tight long-sleeved shirt that proved I still had a figure. And not a bad one at that. I mean, nothing like the curvaceous, voluptuous women he was used to dating, but I kept myself in shape. Chasing after a boy full of endless energy and renovating an old inn will do that to you.
Drake gave me a good once-over as he headed my way. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking while he rubbed his neck. It could be anything from Get this woman a makeover stat to What have I gotten myself into? Probably a little of both.