Page 47 of The Valentine Inn
“Drake, you’re going to be fine.” Please let him be fine, I silently begged God.
“Charlotte, please listen to me,” he breathed out. “I want to make sure you and Jameson are taken care of. I left you most of my estate.”
I shook my head. “What? You barely found out about Jameson,” I said quietly, even though we were in a private room with the door shut. “When did you have time to do that?”
He mustered up some strength to run a finger down my cheek. “You’ve been my beneficiary for years.”
“Me?” I pointed at my chest “Why?”
“You’re the only person I trust.”
I blinked a hundred times, trying to process what he’d just told me. I was absolutely stunned. When he said his estate, I knew what that mostly entailed. It was an overwhelming thought. One I didn’t want to think about. “Drake, I don’t want your money.”
“I know, it’s why I’m leaving it to you.”
“Is that the only reason?” I dared to ask. You don’t just leave your megafortune to your old assistant. At least I hoped not.
He swallowed hard. “No.”
“Care to elaborate?” I felt like we’d had this conversation before. As I remember, it didn’t turn out all that well. You know, except for us getting all cozy that weekend—and unbeknownst to us, making a baby. So, maybe it had all turned out okay. But this time, I needed more.
He closed his eyes and squeezed my hand. “Charlotte, I—”
“Knock, knock.” A raven-haired beauty popped her head in, ruining what could have been my moment. Dang her. “I’m Evie,” she said, all perky in her form-fitting yellow scrubs. Did she have those things tailored to fit every contour of her voluptuous body? “I just need to ask you a few questions and take your vitals.” That’s what came out of her mouth. Her eyes were saying, I’m going to touch you all over and pray I get to help you into a backless gown.
My eyes were saying, Keep your hands and your eyes to yourself. Thank you very much. I’m the man’s beneficiary. That sounded romantic.
Evie pulled up a chair on his other side near the computer without even acknowledging my presence. Wow. That had me scooting closer to Drake and shamelessly smoothing his fevered brow, like I was marking my territory. Which I knew was ridiculous, considering the day’s earlier events. I blame my soul. It’s not my fault it was going to constantly be searching for Drake’s. I didn’t make the soul mate rules.
Drake gave me a half-smile. Even in his current state it sent the butterflies into a tizzy.
“When did the pain start?” Evie asked, while narrowing her eyes on Drake’s and my clasped hands.
That’s right, sweetheart, we are totally in a weird platonic relationship—you know, except for that one weekend. That could be the title to my memoir: That One Weekend by Charlotte Valentine.
Drake closed his eyes like he was trying to think. “Uh . . . early this afternoon, I started having sharp pains in my back.”
“Upper, middle, or lower?” she asked.
“Middle, left side.”
“Any history of kidney stones?” She typed some info into the computer.
“None,” Drake responded.
“But he mainlines energy drinks,” I added, praying all he had was kidney stones. They couldn’t pin that on Izzy.
“Hmm,” Evie said, not even acknowledging me.
I wasn’t surprised. She was probably wondering what Drake Foster was doing with someone like me—in paint-splattered overalls, my hair up in a messy bun, with a bandana tied around my head. I looked like I belonged in a Bananarama music video. I’d seen the videos of them at the roller rink here in town. They were a bit before my time, but we were obviously kindred spirits.
Evie asked a few more questions, and then it happened, just like I knew it would. She started fangirling over him while taking his temperature. “Oh my gosh, I loved you in All Thrills. You totally should have won the Oscar. And your last Kaden Chandler movie was dreamy.”
I rolled my eyes, not caring if she saw me. “Can you please give him something for the pain?” Maybe focus on your job? I wanted to add in.
She squinted her eyes at me. “We can’t give him anything until we know what’s going on.”
“Then can you get someone in here who can give him a diagnosis?”
I think she opened her mouth to say something snotty to me, but before she could get it out, Drake raised my hand and kissed it. That had her spluttering. Me too. He’d never shown me any affection like that in a public setting. Did that mean something to him? Was he rethinking the whole human thing?
“The doctor will be in soon,” she said, all flustered, and walked out.
“You are going to have this town talking,” I sighed, unsure how I felt about it all.