Page 52 of The Valentine Inn
“And what makes you believe that he’s even capable of that?”
I let out a long sigh. “He finally opened up to me last night. He hasn’t told me everything yet, but he has some big hurts from his past that have made him feel unworthy of having a family of his own.” I paused. “Izzy, I want Drake to be part of our family,” I choked out.
She let go of my hand and turned from me, gripping the counter.
I slid up next to her. “Izzy, please don’t be mad at me. I swear, I’m not going into this blindly or foolishly. For the first time in a long time, I feel like my soul is at peace.”
“You and your soul mates,” she groaned.
“I know it sounds crazy, but it would be crazier for me to deny it. Izzy, I’ve always known he’s the one. And we have a child together.”
She said nothing, though she closed her eyes and gripped the counter tighter.
“Come on, Izzy. You know how this feels.” I didn’t say with whom, as Jared was dead to me now.
She turned toward me with tears in her eyes. “No, Char, I don’t know how it feels.”
I tilted my head. “What do you mean?”
She looked up at the wood-beamed ceiling, tears trailing down her cheeks. “I didn’t love Jared the way you love Drake. I never did.”
I blinked several times, not knowing what to say. This was news to me. Really big news.
Izzy wiped her eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved Jared. But I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said the other night, about how kissing is nature’s way of telling us things we don’t want to hear. I think I knew,” her voice cracked, “Jared wasn’t right for me from our very first kiss, but I couldn’t admit it because we made so much sense. I mean, how many men do you know who want to be an interior designer?” She half-heartedly laughed.
I put my arms around her. “Oh, Izzy, I wish you would have said something.”
“I don’t even think I knew,” she wailed. “I just want my Graham and Amanda moment in The Holiday. You know, the one where he hardly even knows her but he just knows she’s the one? And he’s willing to do anything to make their relationship work, even though they live on different continents.”
I nodded. I totally knew what she was talking about.
“Jared couldn’t even muster up any emotion when he told me he was leaving. It was like a business transaction, cold and sterile. All he said was ‘This isn’t working.’ And he was right.” Her head fell on my shoulder.
I stroked her hair. “You’ll get your Graham. I promise.”
“I’m forty years old, Char. Kind of past my prime. Besides, I don’t believe in swapping houses with people. That’s just plain weird,” she laughed.
“You are more gorgeous inside and out than most women half your age. And . . . you live in a magical inn where anything is possible,” I sang.
“You know I don’t believe in that mumbo jumbo George is always peddling.”
I leaned away and met her eyes. “Izzy, you’ve always been the best big sister, watching out for me—and everyone else, for that matter. I think maybe it’s time for you to let go a little. Let some magic into your life.”
“I did let go the other night with Martez,” she defended herself. “And not once did I feel magical.”
“That’s because he wasn’t the right one. George says this place only works for soul mates.”
She took a cleansing breath in and out. “I’m not sure I believe in soul mates, but I know you do. And I know you believe Drake is yours,” she had a hard time saying. “Just promise me you’re going into this with eyes wide open. And don’t you dare leave me with this inn.” She shook my shoulders.
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I don’t want Jameson to grow up in LA.” Besides, this inn was more than my home. I couldn’t explain it, but I knew that although my soul belonged with Drake, it also belonged here.
“Does Drake know that?”
“Yes. We know we have a lot of things to work out, and I know none of this will be easy—but I also know if I don’t try, I’ll always regret it. And according to some solid sources, if I don’t end up with him, my soul will continually search for his until I die a miserable death. Do you really want that on your conscience?” I teased her.
She shook her head at me. “You better go check on him and Jameson. I’ll finish breakfast, you nutjob,” she said mostly with love.
We’d had a late morning, given the circumstances. Jameson and Drake were watching cartoons together on the couch in our suite. That is, when Drake was able to stay awake. He was still on painkillers and hadn’t gotten much rest last night. Yet he’d seemed eager to spend time with Jameson, so I took that as a good sign. We both knew, thanks to his trip to the ER, that we were probably going to have to tell Jameson who Drake was sooner rather than later. I had no idea how Jameson was going to take it. I wasn’t sure I had ever been more nervous about something. That speaks volumes, given the fact I’d recently disclosed the secret of Drake’s child to him.