Page 75 of The Valentine Inn
“Jameson,” Drake’s voice cracked, as he held on as tight as he could to our son. “I wish I didn’t have to go, but like I told you last night, there are things I need to take care of back home.”
“Why can’t this be your home?” Jameson cried, obliterating my heart.
Drake caught my eye, and I noticed the shimmery mist covering his. “Maybe someday it will be, but for now I’ll visit as often as I can, and you and your mom will visit me. And I’ll call you every day.”
“You promise? Every day?” Jameson sniffled.
“I pinky promise.” Drake held out his pinky.
Jameson intertwined his little pinky with his dad’s large masculine one. I prayed that bond would last, that Drake would hold true to the promises he made to Jameson.
Drake stared at their pinkies linked together too. His gaze was one of determination. It gave me some hope. Then he tenderly wiped the tears off Jameson’s cheek with his thumb. “I’m going to miss you.”
Jameson fell against him. “I’m going to miss you too.”
I turned into Izzy with uncontrollable tears. I loved and hated Drake so much in that moment. Izzy, ever the best big sister, wrapped me in her arms, always trying to protect me.
“Be good for your mom.” Drake kissed Jameson’s head.
“I might get in some trouble,” Jameson admitted, making us all chuckle.
“Not too much, okay?” Drake smiled.
“I’ll try.” Jameson touched Drake’s face like he was trying to memorize it.
Drake stood but kept ahold of Jameson, yet set his sights on me. With his finger he motioned for me to join them.
Izzy reluctantly let me go, giving Drake a look that could wilt every flower in a botanical garden. Yet, let me go she did.
I tiptoed toward the loves of my life. When I was close enough, Drake tugged on my painting T-shirt and pulled me right to him and his lips. He pressed his own gently against mine. My tears made it a salty kiss.
“This isn’t goodbye,” he whispered.
I wasn’t so sure, so I pressed harder against his lips, soaking him and his intoxicating, moody scent in.
“I promise,” he said, as if he knew my doubts.
I wanted to believe him. I snuggled into his chest. Drake put one arm around me, and one around Jameson. No one said anything. It was almost as if perhaps no one uttered a thing, we could stay in that moment—all together. The way it was supposed to be. But if life had taught me anything, it was that not all supposed to bes happen. People’s choices can be a real killjoy sometimes. And Drake had a choice to make.
After several minutes Drake whispered, “I’m going to be late for my flight.”
I was okay with that. But I knew I had to let him go.
“Safe travels,” I muttered against him, before I mustered up the courage to let go. I stepped back with a deep cleansing breath, holding on to Jameson with all that I had.
Drake swallowed hard, as if pushing down the inevitable goodbye. “I’ll call when I land.”
I nodded, fearing I might bawl if I opened my mouth.
“Bye, Drake,” Jameson whimpered.
“Bye, buddy,” Drake said softly.
I couldn’t say the words; instead, I gave a half-hearted wave.
Drake apparently couldn’t say them either. Instead, he grabbed my shirt, and in a swift tug pulled me to him. His lips landed directly on mine, pressing as hard as he could until they melded together. Every cell in my body felt that kiss as I trembled from his touch. But just as soon as it happened, his lips glided off mine. Then, in an unexpected plot twist, he whispered in my ear, “I love you, Charlotte.” He grabbed his bags and rushed out the door before letting me respond.
I stood completely immobilized, not even able to blink, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Did Drake Foster just tell me he loved me? Or was I having an aneurysm? It was a toss-up.
“Mommy.” Jameson tugged on my hand. “Can you marry Drake so he can live here and be my dad?”
Izzy gasped at the thought. I gave her a semi-evil eye. I couldn’t be fully evil; she was too good to me.
“I’m off to make breakfast.” She left me alone with my son.
“Oh, J man.” I hugged him. “Drake is your dad no matter what.”
“Maybe if I called him Dad he would have stayed.”
I knelt next to him and tousled his curls. “Nothing you did—or didn’t do—made him leave. He just needs to figure some stuff out.”
“Can I call him Dad?”
“Of course. I think he would like that.”
Jameson gave me a toothy grin. “Okay, when he calls, I’m going to tell him that.”
I had some things to say to him too.
After breakfast was over and Jameson was helping Izzy strip the wallpaper out of one of the downstairs bathrooms, I headed up to the infamous honeymoon suite. It was calling to me like never before. I was trying to wrap my head around the thought that Drake loved me. Could it be possible that I would be more than his beneficiary? Maybe he wasn’t running.