Page 88 of The Valentine Inn
“I missed you, Dad. Can I stay home from school since you’re here?” This kid was always looking for the angle. I loved him for it. It showed good life skills.
Drake employed the WWCT rule and looked at me to answer. Good man.
“Honey, your dad has some things he needs to take care of today. How about we let you stay home tomorrow?” Things like trying to come to terms with his past so we could all have a future together. Not like I expected that to all get accomplished today, but any forward movement on that path was one step closer to where we needed to be.
Jameson scrunched his face at me. “Tomorrow’s my Valentine’s Day party at school.”
“Good point.” And I had to take cupcakes, which I could do even if he didn’t go to school. “I guess you really want to give Lila her Valentine,” I teased.
“Ew. No. I’ll skip tomorrow,” he decided awfully quick.
Drake chuckled, wrapping his son up again, like he never wanted to let go. “You can choose what we do tomorrow.”
Jameson’s eyes lit up, but before he could give Drake his master plan, Nora walked in. She was dressed in dark slacks and a sweater, her hair meticulously straightened—so very elegant. And so very, very surprised. She held on to the doorframe and stared at her son with bulging eyes.
“Drake, I wasn’t expecting to see you,” she stuttered out.
Drake stood but kept an arm around Jameson. He shot me a smile before he answered, “I missed Charlotte and Jameson.”
Nora smiled and nodded, pleased by his response.
“Dad, did you know you had a mom?” Jameson pointed at Nora.
The adults broke out in fits of laughter. Although, it made me feel guilty that Jameson thought it was normal to have unknown parents pop up in your life.
“Yes.” Drake ruffled his hair. “I have a dad too.” He swallowed hard, his chest deeply rising and falling. “He’s upstairs.”
Nora paled and faltered. Thankfully, she caught herself before she fell.
I moved closer to her, fearing her knees might buckle.
“I didn’t know you would be here, Mom,” Drake explained.
“I have a grandpa upstairs?” Jameson mused.
“Yes. Isn’t that fun?” I tried to add some levity.
“Did he bring me a present, like Papa always does?” There went my kid, looking for the angle again. My dad did love to spoil Jameson.
“Not this time,” Drake answered. “But he does want to meet you.”
Nora started fanning herself, flustered. “Does he know I’m here?” She could barely speak.
Drake and I shook our heads.
“I should go.” She looked around like she didn’t know what to do.
Drake stepped toward her. “Please don’t. I would like to speak to both of you.”
“I can’t see your father.” She was almost in tears. “It’s been too long. He hates me.”
“No,” Drake was quick to say. “He doesn’t. If anyone deserves to be hated in this situation, it’s me.” His voice broke.
“Dad.” Jameson tugged on Drake’s hand. “I love you.”
It was the first time Jameson had expressed that sentiment to Drake.
The room got quiet.
Drake fell to his knees, coming eye to eye with his son. An expression of awe washed over his face. He rested his large hand on Jameson’s cheek, encompassing his entire face. “I love you, Jameson.” Tears filled his eyes.
Meanwhile, Nora and I both had tears streaming down our faces.
“I’ll stay,” Nora whispered.
Jameson wrapped his tiny arms around Drake’s neck. “I want you to stay with me.”
Drake held him tight. “I’ll work it out.”
I clutched my heart.
Izzy sauntered in, ready for the day, and looked around nervously at all the emotion. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes!” Jameson shouted. “My dad’s going to live here.”
Izzy’s jaw dropped before she flashed me a what-the-heck look. Or was that I-hate-your-guts-right-now? One couldn’t tell.
“We’ll talk about details later,” I tried to placate Izzy. “We better eat breakfast and get you ready for school, J man.” I was afraid Izzy might go ballistic if any other life-changing news was thrown at her. Inside, though, I was doing my happy dance. I so badly wanted to throw myself in Drake’s arms and have a repeat of last night’s homecoming.
Drake stood. “Let’s help your mom.”
Nora took a seat, looking like she might need some smelling salts.
Izzy sidled up next to me and talked out the side of her mouth. “Have the parents seen each other yet?”
I had filled Izzy in once she’d woken up this morning. While she wasn’t all that thrilled that Drake had returned, she was deviously excited to see how Drake’s parents were going to react. I think her words had been, “This is going to be delicious.” I wasn’t sure about that. I was on pins and needles about it. It had been a horrendously difficult thing for me to face Drake after so many years. I couldn’t even imagine how Nora was feeling right now.