Page 8 of King's Castle
“I’m not staying. Don’t waste your time or effort getting me any gear.” I tilt my chin up in defiance. “I’m here for my sister,” I remind him and myself. I’m not sure who needs the reminder more at this point.
“Whatever you say, Slick.”
I narrow my eyes on him. “Why are you calling me that?”
He starts walking, guiding me with him so that I don’t fall over in the snow. “You got a slick mouth that’s going to get you a tanned ass.”
My mouth falls open.
“You did not just say that,” I whisper loudly in shock. So much for the cold air cooling down my body. It lights up all over again like when he was dressing me. Before I can come up with a good retort, I notice two big dogs happily running toward me. King lets out a whistle and they both immediately stop running and sit at attention, obeying his command. I have to say that I can’t blame them. I know if I let it, my body would listen to whatever order he gave it.
“They’re beautiful.” A moment later two more come running from around a barn. They see the other two dogs sitting and do the same. They wait next to each other as they stare at King waiting for his next order. It’s easy to see who the alpha is around here.
He gives another whistle, this one lower. They jump up and continue to run our way. They circle around us. I think they are going to jump up on him but they don’t. I can tell they want to but have been trained not to. I drop to my knees, not caring if I get covered in snow. I’m going to die if I don’t get to pet them soon. Unlike with King, all of them bombard me, practically knocking me over in the snow as they try to lick my face. I laugh as I try to give them each a little attention. Our fun comes to a halt when King throws out some command having them act all serious again. I watch as he walks over and reaches out his hand to help me up.
“Seems as though you cause everyone to act out of place when you’re around, Slick.” This time I laugh. I’m going to pretend I’m on a cuteness high from all of the adorable dogs.
“They are sled dogs?” I reach down and pet the smallest one’s head. He leans into my side, enjoying my attention.
“I take them out a few times a week. They enjoy it but mainly they keep an eye on things around here.”
I look around and see small cabins placed all about. Not too close together so you can have privacy but close enough with walkways that look to be shoveled already from the last bout of snow.
“What is this place? My sister said she was coming here to lay low. To lend a hand.” There is more to this place than I’m putting together.
“I’m kind of hoping your sister stays. Cyn made up our nicest cabin just for her.” My stomach knots. Not only because I want my sister to come home with me but jealousy curls its ugly head and I get a taste of my own medicine.
“Sorry to break it to you but she’s going where I’m going. Home.” I watch as a small spark of irritation crosses his face before it turns into a smirk.
“I guess she’s staying then because your home is where I am and I’m here.”
Chapter Seven
She opens her mouth and I know something smart was coming out but at the last moment she decides against it. I’m disappointed. I like sparring with her. It shows she’s not afraid of me.
I crouch down close to her. She needs to get used to feeling me by her side at all times–so used to it that when I’m not there, she doesn’t feel right.
“What is it that you do when you’re not trying to rescue your sister?”
Slick snaps her fingers in my face. “Ah ha,” she crows. “So you admit my sister needs rescuing.”
“Nah. I’m just repeating what you said earlier. Your sister’s fine. She’ll like it here and when she’s ready she can leave if she wants. No one is keeping her any place she doesn’t want to be. Are you avoiding my question because you’re embarrassed about your job? You shouldn’t be. All jobs are valid.”
“I’m a vet tech and if she can leave whenever she wants, then as soon as your Jake brings her, we’ll be gone.”
I opt not to respond because it’ll only be repetitive. I’m keeping Slick and nothing will change my mind. “What’s a vet tech do?”
“Everything a vet does but surgery.”
“Hmm. That’s good. I’ve always wanted more animals here, but don’t have much experience with taking care of them.” I dig my hands into Blue’s ruff and give it a good scratch. The old boy rubs his chin against my knee. “Having a vet tech on staff will make a big difference. Guess we’ll have to build a barn. Think it should be heated?”