Page 22 of Punishing Tabitha
She shook her head. “He said that my master was the only one who could remove the cords. But he didn’t tell me why or how. I thought he meant that only the man who bought me would have access to the solvent.”
Keer sighed. “I only wish it was that easy.” Reaching into the pocket of his uniform, he withdrew the small stoppered vial filled with the now purple liquid.
Tabitha looked at it hungrily. “I see the problem—there isn’t much,” she said. “But if I’m very careful and just rub it in to the most sensitive parts until they come loose, I think I can stand having the rest of the cord pulled off.”
Keer shook his head. “The amount of liquid isn’t the problem at all.”
Pale blue eyes blazed up at him. “Well then, what is?”
There was no other way than to just tell her, Keer decided. “The problem is that it isn’t a solvent at all. It’s a serum and it’s meant to be taken internally.”
“Fine.” Tabitha held out her hand. “Give it to me. I’ll drink it no matter what it tastes like. Hell, I’ll drink it even if it’s poison. Anything is better than living with these damn love knots the rest of my life.”
“It’s not poison—I had a very small amount analyzed by the lab,” Keer assured her. “But it’s not for you to drink, either. It’s for me.”
“For you?” She looked at him blankly. “What good will it do for you to drink it?”
Keer sighed again. “According to V, and all the research I’ve done, this is a serum that allows a person’s body—my body—to make a solvent. The moment I drink it, it will start reacting to my body chemistry. It will collect in my bodily fluids and allow me to free you from the cords.”
Tabitha had gone pale.
He cleared his throat and tried to sound professional. “The solvent will develop in my saliva and semen. Primarily in the semen, actually. Although I think it would be better to try to avoid using that unless as a last resort.”
She was frowning at him now. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying…Sir?”
Keer nodded. “I’m afraid so. And once the serum is in my system, we only have twenty-four hours to act. After that, the love knots will be permanently attached to your body.”
“Isn’t…isn’t there any other way?” Tabitha stood and began backing slowly away from him again. “I mean there must be, right? I can’t just let you…I mean we shouldn’t…”
Keer frowned. “What’s the matter, Sergeant? Do you find my touch distasteful? You didn’t seem to mind so much earlier.”
Tabitha’s full mouth trembled. “Yes, Sir. But that was before.”
“Before what?” Keer demanded but she was already headed for the door, still completely naked. With a low curse he ran forward and caught her before she could get away. “Before what?” he asked again but Tabitha wouldn’t answer.
“Let me go!” she gasped, writhing in his hands. “Can’t…can’t you see you’re making it that much worse?”
Looking down at her naked body, Keer could see what she was talking about. The love knots were tightening and loosening rhythmically, systematically pinching and squeezing her nipples and clit in unison until she moaned and gasped for breath. She looked like a woman who was just about to come…but she never did, at least as far as Keer could see. The agonized expression of pleasure and pain never left her face and it was clear she wasn’t reaching any kind of a release.
Well, maybe he could help her with that while he released her from the cords, he told himself. In the meantime, getting the love knots off had to be his first priority.
Lifting her carefully, he carried her to his large bed and placed her in the middle. Then, before she could protest, he tied her wrists and ankles to opposite corners with the black silk scarves he had placed there earlier for this contingency. Something had told him that Sergeant Tabitha Bryce wouldn’t give in easily. She was just stubborn enough to deal with wearing the love knots the rest of her life before letting him do what needed to be done. But Keer couldn’t let that happen. She was his junior officer and her well-being had to be uppermost in his mind.
“Stop it! Stop it right now and untie me!” Tabitha struggled uselessly against her bonds. Her eyes were filled with fire as she glared up at him. “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.
Keer gave her a forbidding scowl. “I’m exercising my captain’s privilege, Tabitha,” he said, knowing it was the only explanation she would accept. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to get you out of those knots and it may very possibly take a lot more than you’d be willing to do voluntarily. So we’ll do it this way.” He chuckled grimly. “You’re the only woman I know who’s so stubborn she has to be tied down in order to be untied.”