Page 30 of Punishing Tabitha
Keer groaned softly, his eyes fixed on the sight of Tabitha sucking and lapping his cock. Large hands found their way to her head and his fingers slipped into her silky hair, guiding her gently as he mouth-fucked her.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured as he stroked between her lips. “Why do you have to be so beautiful?”
Tabitha felt a thrill of pleasure at the sound of his groan and his soft words. Could it be that he was feeling something for her? Or was it just his pleasure in having his cock sucked that caused him to talk so? She hoped for the former but didn’t really care at this point. She was already as hot as if she hadn’t had an orgasm at all and she wished Captain Keer would hurry up and come so she could feel his hot seed coating her inner folds.
Her wish wasn’t long in being granted. His shaft seemed to grow thicker and even harder in her hand and she could feel the head pulsing against her tongue. Then Keer pulled her gently off him.
“Lie back on the bed again, Tabitha,” he ordered in a hoarse voice. “I’m going to come on you now.”
She moaned softly as she obeyed his command. More than anything she wanted to feel him inside her, pumping her full of his hot seed but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen. Instead he was going to come on her, which she was sure wasn’t going to be nearly as nice as having him come in her.
Keer lay on top of her, supporting his weight with one muscular arm as he fisted himself tightly. Looking down between them, Tabitha could see the head of his cock tracing the silvery cord that bound her pussy as he stroked his length. She had a moment to reflect on how incredibly good it felt when he rubbed against her swollen clit—and then he was coming.
Tabitha bit her lip and watched in fascination as jet after jet of thick, pearly white cum spurted from the head of his cock and bathed her open cunt. His cum was hot, coating her pussy like warm cream and dripping down to the mouth of her open cunt. The amazingly erotic sight made her breath come short as she watched him.
At last Keer was done. He let himself collapse beside her for a moment, the flat planes of his muscular chest heaving as he caught his breath after the intense and prolonged orgasm. For a moment, Tabitha found herself eye-to-eye with him and she couldn’t help looking into the blue-gold depths with wonder.
Keer looked back, a softer expression than she had yet seen on his hard features lighting his face. “You didn’t have to do that, you know,” he rumbled softly, lifting a hand to trace the curve of her cheek with one gentle finger. “Suck me, I mean. I could have managed.”
“I…I wanted to.” Tabitha stared back defiantly. Let him make what he wanted out of that. “Wanted to taste you the way you tasted me,” she almost whispered, still caught in his gold and blue gaze.
“Tabitha,” he murmured, still stroking her cheek.
She shivered under his touch. “Yes…Keer?”
The moment seemed to stretch between them like a warm thread of honey and for a moment Tabitha thought he might actually kiss her. But then he seemed to realize what he was doing—that he was allowing things between them to become too personal. Shaking his head slightly, he withdrew his hand and sat up.
“Let’s see if it worked.” His speech was terse and clipped as though he was mad at himself for betraying too much. But Tabitha couldn’t help but feel her heart surge. For a moment she’d been sure he felt something for her, even if he was Zentorian.
Trying to keep a businesslike air, Keer leaned over her to examine her pussy. He nearly groaned at the erotic sight of his seed coating her inner folds and the silvery cords that bound her. But somehow he restrained himself. He needed to be careful, he reminded himself. Needed to keep his emotions in check. A moment ago when they had been lying on the bed, looking into each other’s eyes, he’d almost told her he loved her. He’d only held himself back by a tremendous effort of will.
A muscle clenched in his jaw. What was wrong with him? He was acting like a lovesick cadet with his first romance in full bloom instead of a seasoned captain trying to help a subordinate. A stubborn subordinate, he reminded himself. One who was almost as irritating as she was beautiful. Until he took her in hand, that was.
It was true, he admitted to himself, that Tabitha had been a lot more tractable after he tied her to his bed. Just as she’d settled down after the spanking he’d given her in the slave market. Could it be that all his beautiful, aggravating junior officer needed was the right kind of attention? Maybe she could be made into a useful part of the crew after all if he just…