Page 8 of Punishing Tabitha
Tabitha had been about to reply indignantly when she realized that V’s two helpers were fitting her with one of the silver cord harnesses she had seen on the other slaves. Gritting her teeth, she tried to fight but to add insult to injury, V had secured her with her own set of immobilizer cuffs and all she could do was watch helplessly as his assistants adjusted the cords. The cords themselves adhered to her skin immediately as they were coiled around her bare breasts and tender nipples. Tabitha squirmed angrily but ineffectively as rough fingers spread her pussy lips wide and secured a loop of the silver line around her sensitive clit.
“What…what is this?” she asked, looking down with distaste at the strange silver strands that encircled her nipples and clit. They didn’t seem too tight at the moment but she could feel the tension in the knots beneath her nipples and her clit, as though they were just waiting for some signal, something to activate them. She shivered at the thought and the goose bumps that marched along her bare flesh had nothing to do with the chilly, damp air of the dungeon she was in.
“These, my dear, are Drusinian love knots. You have heard of the Drusinians, have you not?” V asked. “An entire race devoted to the pleasures of the flesh. Their planet died years before interstellar space travel made it accessible, but they had taken care to archive their achievements so their knowledge was happily not lost to us. Observe.” Withdrawing a long wooden wand from one billowing sleeve, he stroked the tip of it over Tabitha’s nipples. The wand released a pale pink gel that was cool at first and then began to warm as it made contact with the silver cords that encircled her pink buds.
Tabitha gasped as the cord suddenly came alive, contracting rhythmically, squeezing her nipples into a state of sexual readiness as if a pair of knowledgeable hands were teasing her breasts.
“Do you like that?” V grinned at her as he continued to trail the tip of the wand over her body, thoroughly coating the cords that bound her. He even inserted the wand into her pussy and squirted a load of gel deep inside her despite Tabitha’s squirming protests. “The love knots are woven from the fibers of a plant native to Drusinia and they react to this solution—we call it love honey—which is made from the sap of that same plant. A natural biological reaction makes them contract and loosen, which as you can see is very useful for keeping slaves in advanced state of readiness.” The wand traced over the loop around her clit next, making Tabitha bite back a curse as unwanted pleasure shot through her at the sudden stimulation. The cords were a strange mixture of rough and smooth, sawing between her legs like the harshest vibrator one moment and stroking her engorged clit and nipples like the gentle hand of a lover the next.
“Take this damn thing off me!” she demanded, when she could speak without gasping.
“Oh, I’m afraid that’s quite impossible, my dear.” V laughed as he traced the cord that led between her pussy lips and down over the small rosebud of her anus, coating it with the pale pink gel. Tabitha felt herself tighten there involuntarily and wasn’t able to help moaning. Not there too! she thought as the slender wand slid inward, slicking the interior of her ass with more of the hateful gel.
“Why…why not?” she gasped, doing her best not to writhe against the unwanted pleasure.
“Why, because, the Drusinian love knots won’t stop reacting until all the love honey is dissolved.”
“The what…?” Tabitha was almost beyond thought at this point, maddened as she was by the expanding and contracting loops that encircled her clit and pussy and teased her anus. “Well then let me take a shower and wash off the damn gel. In fact, show me to the nearest bathing facility right now. Or you’re going to be very, very sorry when Intergal finds out.”
“Oh, didn’t I mention that water is completely ineffective when it comes to removing the love honey that activates the knots?” V laughed again, completely ignoring her ineffectual threats. “No, my dear, the only person who can dissolve the solution and free you from the Drusinian cords is your master, whoever he is—we won’t know, of course, until after the auction tomorrow. And until the honey is completely gone, the knots will never relinquish their hold upon your body.”
“But how?” Tabitha demanded. “How does he dissolve it? Do you have some kind of solvent you sell along with the slaves?”
“Oh, my dear, I couldn’t possibly tell you a trade secret like that. I’m afraid you’ll have to find out for yourself. And I think it will be your very great pleasure to do so. When the time is right, of course.”