Page 25 of Her Italian Soldier
How awful for the other woman. It hadn’t occurred to her that this Stefana was here for any other reason than the seemingly obvious one. Annabelle had jumped to the wrong conclusion. Probably because she’d listened to the film crew make the odd remark here and there about Guilio’s son being somewhat of a Casanova.
She imagined most attractive bachelors carried that same label. It went with the territory. But after their conversation last night, she had the feeling that if Lucca were ever to marry, he wouldn’t be one of those rootless men who was easily distracted. Or was she only trying to convince herself.
Once she’d freshened up, she walked the rest of the way to the living room, which was decorated in authentic country Italian, if there was such a thing. Annabelle had only peeked in before now.
Lucca sat on a chair opposite Stefana, who was perched on a rose settee. He’d prepared them an elaborate lunch. It appeared they’d been together for quite a while. The moment he saw Annabelle standing in the doorway, he got to his feet.
“Come in, Signorina Marsh. I want you to meet Stefana Beraldi. I told her you’re employed by my father.”
When the other woman stood up, Annabelle could see she was pregnant. Probably six months. Her heart lurched because the baby would grow up without its father.
“How do you do, signorina,” Stefana said in English with a heavy Italian accent.
“It’s nice to meet you, Signora Beraldi. I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. There really aren’t any words, are there.”
“No.” Her brown eyes filled with liquid. “It’s still hard to believe he’s gone. I came to see Lucca. We’ve had a long talk. I asked him if he would be godfather when our little girl is born.”
Being a godfather signified a great responsibility. Lucca’s eyes traveled from her to Annabelle. “I told Stefana I’d be honored. She made this special trip from Naples to ask me in person.”
She sniffed. “My husband and I talked about it the last time he was on leave. He loved Lucca.”
“I understand Lucca loved your husband, too.” Annabelle would never forget his sobs as he relived the horrific moment in the sky when Stefana’s husband was shot down. She would be lucky to have Lucca for a lifetime friend.
The other woman smiled at him through the tears. “Don’t forget. I’m planning on you coming for dinner after you’re settled.”
“I’ll look forward to it.”
“Good. Now I have to go.”
“Let me see you out to your car.”
Annabelle put her hand on the woman’s arm, squeezing gently. “I’m glad you don’t have too far to drive in your condition. Take care of yourself and your baby.”
She nodded. “I will. She’s all I have left of him.” With tears streaming down her cheeks, she hurried off with Lucca. Annabelle watched from the kitchen doorway.
For a long time she’d wished she had Ryan’s baby, even if their marriage hadn’t worked out. But now she wasn’t so sure. Stefana would have to raise her daughter on her own. How hard that would be.
It wasn’t just the physical side of earning the living and seeing to the baby’s every need. There was the financial and emotional drain of not having the father an intimate part of everything. Stefana would have to go through labor alone, shoulder the heavy responsibility alone. Unless she married again. But that could be a long way off.
Deep in thought, she watched the two of them converse a little longer before Stefana drove away. By the time Lucca came back in the house, lines had marred his face. The loss of Leo had taken its own toll.
“How long were you friends with him?”
“For the last five years.”
“You two really had to be close for her to want you for the godfather of their child.”
She saw the sadness in his eyes. “Being pilots together causes you to build a special bond. We were like brothers and talked about going into business together when we retired from the air force. But destin
y had a different idea,” he whispered.
Annabelle put a hand on his arm, desolate for him because the loss was a blow to his vision for the future. “Does his wife have family to help her?”
He nodded. “Lots of relatives. She phoned me yesterday and left a message. When I called her back and told her I was home from the Middle East, she begged to come over and see me.”
“She’s lovely. I have no doubts you’ll make a wonderful godfather.”
His eyes probed Annabelle’s. “What would make you say that?”